On Saturday May 24th, the dog warden named Matt and the Sheriff’s department in the Town of Plymouth NY were involved in a case where a dog was left to die in the middle of the road. A neighbor of mine got a call about this dog and went and picked him up out of the road.
The dog was an old Rottweiler named Rocki. He had a rock hard mass on his right side bigger than a football. He couldn’t move or even lift his head. He couldn't eat or drink on his own.
Matt Bates the Plymouth dog warden was supposed to come over to help but he never showed up.
4 days and nights later Tuesday, May 27th, I got a call from my neighbor and was told this story for the very first time. My neighbor didn’t want this dog to suffer any longer and they tried their best to get something done to help the dog to no avail. I just wished that he called me the moment he was told by Matt the DCO to just take the dog to his house. This poor old dog. My neighbor did not know what to do because Matt the dog warden threatened us with arrest if he or I took the dog to the vet. The dog was suffering laying in his feces and urine for 4 days!
I called and spoke to Matt Bates, DCO on the phone. He refused to come down and assist my neighbors with this animal. Matt was watching TV as I spoke to him. I demanded he contact a vet so this dog could pass peacefully and no longer suffer. Matt refused.
I sat with this dog stroking his head. I gave him his last meal which he ate. Then his head fell back down. He couldn't drink, could barely lift his head up. I held him and comforted him. My neighbor and I got his frail body on a to-bog-on type sled and lifted him into the car. I stayed with him stroking him as he lay unable to move. Compassionate Care Veterinary Hospital opened their doors after I fought for Rocki to humanely put down.
That should have been the end of Rocki's story but it wasn't. Rocki's owner Crystal took nearly 3 hours to show up at the Vet's office to give permission to the vet to euthanize this dog. So he ended up suffering even longer because of the lack of compassion his owner Crystal had for him.
I was there for Rocki as a total stranger. Rocki's owner, Crystal, and the DCO Matt knew about Rocki's condition the entire time and did nothing.
I called the town supervisor, Jerry L. Kreiner and told him the story. He didn't even want to take my name even though I offered. I feel totally dismissed.
Matt Bates, DCO has done this multiple times before and will do it again if nothing is done! Rocki was not the first dog to suffer like this at the hands of Matt Bates, DCO. If nothing is done, Rocki certainly won't be the last dog to suffer dying for days.
I am NOT going to let this animals suffering go unanswered! I'm asking my animal network friends to take ahold of this with me to help me get Matt the DCO fired for what he allowed this dog to go through, and to charge Crystal, the dog's owner, with neglect and abuse.
Please sign this petition, then share, cross post, offer suggestions, tell me where else I can go about this!
I can't fight this alone. But with help, we can end the suffering this man has permitted to occur.
I am writing to demand the immediate removal of Matthew Bates, Dog Control Officer, from his post. Any animal control officer that would knowingly allow an animal to suffer for 4 days and do nothing is not doing his job, and because of this he should be charged with animal cruelty. Crystal Schrader, the owner of the dog that was left to suffer, should also be charged with animal cruelty.
On Saturday May 24th, the dog warden named Matt and the sheriff's department in the Town of Plymouth NY were involved in a case where a dog was left to die in the middle of the road. A man got a call about this dog and went and picked him up out of the road. The dog was an old Rottweiler. He had a rock hard mass on his right side bigger than a football. He couldn't move or even lift his head. He couldn't eat or drink on his own. Matt the Plymouth dog warden was supposed to come over to help but he never showed up.
Matt the dog warden threatened him with arrest if he took the dog to the vet.
Four days and nights later Tuesday, May 27th, another neighbor attempted to reach Matt Bates. Mr. Bates refused to come assist this animal or contact a vet to put the animal to sleep.
This animal's suffering should not go unanswered. Please dismiss Matt Bates for permitting animals to suffer under his watch.
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