WORTHY PETITIONS ARE LOST AMONG FRIVOLOUS! SEE CARE2's OWN RULES HERE! They are NOT being adhered to! We ask CARE2 make changes, be efficient & effective!
There are an INCREDIBLE AMOUNT of questionable, ineffective, frivolous, badly-written, directed at the wrong people (IF ANY AT ALL, some are just TITLES!), B.S. "ACTIVIST PETITIONS FOR POINTS". The worthy petitions get lost, making CARE2 MUCH less effective & this has continued for several years that I'm now PERSONALLY aware of. SEVERAL similar petitions as this have met with a dead end.
CARE2 RULES: "If people try to game the system by...posting junk just to get credits, etc. the trust will be broken..So, if you break the trust, your account will be fed to a pack of wild hyenas. We reserve the right to suspend, block, reduce credits and otherwise banish any account we, in our sole discretion, believe is not being used to help maintain this code of trust." Really?!
CARE2 provides 5 short "TIPS" off to the side of the large petition "form", in small letters, easily missed, ASSUMING YOU'VE GOTTEN PAST THE SIMPLE "START A PETITION" form requiring but 2 sentences! If you HAVE gotten oast the initial form, a barely noticeable link exists to valuable information on how to write, promote & "generally" to whom to direct petitions (they don't print, send, follow-up).
THIS INFORMATION & THE ABOVE RULE MUST PRECEED THE PETITION FORMS & CARE2 MUST ADHERE TO THEM! It's becoming VERY difficult to convince ANYONE, ANYWHERE to sign anything! I believe the reputable, non-profit, well-known charitable organizations involved with CARE2 & Members wish to do the most good possible. This is the 3rd such petition getting lost in 2yrs that I'm AWARE of, who knows HOW many others there have been! They've obviously received NO RESPONSE!
No response to MANY Members, not only myself, for MANY issues i.e., can't share the petition, edit, etc. (this is my 12th attempt to simply edit) No responces from Care2 regarding a MYRIAD of issues, i.e., receipt of points, etc.
Please join me in DEMANDING Care2 to adhere to their OWN rules, making our community stronger & effective!
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