Do NOT Let the Athena Center Go!

They want to turn the Athena Sport and Fitness Center into apartments. I say, take the money, re-vamp the gym, get new members (along with the old) and make money that way! Fix the pool, fix the building, but DO NOT get rid of our FAMILY. This gym means so much to so many involved. Don't let them take it from us! Share your personal Athena story! Help them see that this shouldn't just be a business decision, that it should be what's best for our community. What makes you LOVE the Athena Center! Share your story!

My personal story:

I came to Athena from Planet fitness, I just wanted to do the one bootcamp with one of the trainers and go back to Planet once the class was over. Once the class began, there was no turning back, I signed up at Athena and have never looked back. The support you get here from the staff and the other members is unlike anywhere else. They've become workout partners, a support team, and more than that family. The Athena Center is a wonderful place to be a part of.

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