Severely Punish Men Who Mutilated a Horses Genitalia, Leading to Its Death!

  • af: Sue Lee
  • mottagare: San Patricio County Sheriff's

Please sign and share this petition nationwide in an effort to ensure that two men, Arturo Marques Aleman, 63, and Erasmo Nunez, 55 are severely charged and punished for fatally removing a horse's genitalia. After such a horrific situation, resulting in the demise of the poor animal, they want to just charge them with a misdemeanor! Why not just slap them on the wrist and say, "don't do that anymore" while the poor horse suffered immensely and died from her injuries!

Two men from Texas, Arturo Marques Aleman, 63, and Erasmo Nunez, 55, are charged with a misdemeanor for mutilating a mare by wounds inflicted to her genitals and anus. The horse names Yanaha eventually died from her football size wounds. A group known as the Rockport Horse Rescue stepped to treat the animal.

The Rockport Horse Rescue stated that "The largest gaping wound was the size of a football. She was cut from her anus to down in between her legs. All of her exterior genital parts were simply gone. She had some leg injuries, some of which we believe were from laying out in the field for weeks without treatment and others which we believe were from tying her up in order to mutilate her in the manner they did. Watching her fight so hard to survive was hard. She was not a quitter. She wanted to live and she fought and fought."

Yanaha underwent surgery to help her to urinate and defecate, she was unable to lie down and eventually died from her wounds. The owners of the horse originally lied and stated that she was caught in a fence that eventually ripped out her genitals! How could anyone do such a thing to a sweet innocent animal, and one under your own love and care! Misdemeanor charges are not enough to gain justice for poor Yanaha! Help us in ensuring that these "men" are more harshly punished for what they did to her. Let's be her voice and make them accountable for their abusive, cruel actions.

San Patricio County Sheriff's - How can you even justify a minor misdemeanor for the mutilation of their own mare! The evidence is clearly presented that these guys intentionally and maliciously cut this poor animal while watching it suffer tremendously! A misdemeanor is like a slap on the wrist when they should clearly be charged with felony animal abuse and cruelty, hiding it and originally lying about it!! The injuries inflicted led to the animals demise! Charge with the harshest punishment under law and ensure these guys never own, care or even get near another animal for the rest of their lives!

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