Demand World Leaders Create An Ambitious Plan To Save The Earth, Now!

  • af: Darryl U
  • mottagare: World Governments

With the recent study revealing we have a small window of opportunity of 12 years to prevent catastrophic climate change & a mass extinction level event we demand that the world's governments come together with a serious & ambitious plan of action to prevent this catastrophe.

We demand Governments to hold corporations accountable by the products they produce & sell. While also putting a stop to such corporations from causing further damage to the climate & environment.

We demand world Governments to expand on & increase the amount of protected land for wildlife.

We demand world Governments implement a global clean up of plastic from our oceans, rivers, lakes & beaches.

We demand all pesticides that have been proven, or suspected of harming our Bee populations be banned worldwide.

We demand the world governments install heavy sanctions upon countries that are harming endangered wildlife, eco-systems & refusing to clean up their act.

We further demand world Governments divest from oil & other unsustainable energy sources so that they may instead invest in clean, sustainable & innovative energy sources.

We want to see Governments pledge to protect marine life, endangered species from poachers & to prevent further deforestation especially in places like the Amazon Rainforest where illegal logging takes place. By force if necessary.

The above demands may seem like huge tasks to enact, but we're at a point where only big, ambitious solutions will help save our planet for future generations to come.

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