This clearly was chemicals! But they want to blame it on the sun.

The chemical burns they now claim are due to the sun. 

Since July, at least seven dogs in and around Los Angeles County have been burned, likely with battery acid or another chemical—and now the county is offering a $25,000 reward for help finding the person or people behind the attacks. Two of the dogs (some of which have also been attacked in Kern County) were euthanized as a result of the attacks, the Los Angeles Times reports. Most of the injured animals have been pit bulls, but a golden retriever was also burned in the attacks, the Los Angeles Daily News reports. Authorities also released a photo of an injured cocker spaniel. 

This has now been retracted and findings are from the sun and not chemicals. 
But the findings from a vet found chemicals on the dogs. This is not exceptionable to not bring justice for these dogs. Leaving them out in the hot sun is another crime in itself. LA County Board of Supervisor Michael D. Antonovich's many have joined together to show our support for these helpless dogs that need a voice. It is our view that we feel that the findings of not being chemical burn is in-comprehensible. I am sure we will have vets that will show support that these dogs where clearly burned by humane hands and not the sun.

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