Free Palestine NOW

Palestine and AnnaInTheMiddleEast

Having experienced world travel at the young age of 19, I have since felt that the awakening has allowed me better understanding of the reality of life at an earlier age. At a time when I searched for myself and sought the guidance of the elders and more experienced I was very fortunate.

My parents connection to the indigenous struggle lead me directly to the Palestinian people,  allowing me to travel with the 18-member Lakota delegation to visit the Palestine Liberation Organization on a fact-finding mission to witness how those people managed their self sufficiency, all while carrying on their struggle to regain their homeland of Palestine.

Occupied Palestine, I would later learn, was the home each refugee Palestinian wanted to return to, a majority having been expelled from their nation decades earlier during a series of zionist (imperialist europeans using the judaism religion to increase personal land holdings) massacres which sent the people fleeing from their homes.

Today, the u.s. gives the occupying military colonialist power called %u201CIsrael%u201D over $15 million dollars per day so that walls and communities can be constructed further into what little remains of the dwindling Palestinian homeland %u2013 once the thriving nation of some of the most intelligent, beautiful, and remarkable Arab peoples of all the Arab nations.

The %u201Csettlements%u201D are created by the zionist-led government who subsidize mortgages and pay tens of thousands of dollars to entice fellow zionists or Jewish peoples into encroaching ever-further into Palestine %u2013 with hopes to eventually obtain all of Palestinian homelands.

Nearly a hundred Israeli controlled checkpoints dot the interior of remaining Palestine, causing hours of delays as Palestinian citizens are forced to submit to hours-long searches at each and every stop %u2013 but only on dilapidated Palestinian roads, not the shiny, new roads constructed with u.s. tax dollars. This mirrors the united states when blacks were not allowed to drink from %u201Cwhite%u201D fountains.

But one of the most tragic uses of this genocide-creating, u.s. tax money malfeasance, which are daily violations of international and United Nations laws and rules. That is the theft of Palestinian water. Israeli pipelines suck the life-giving waters literally from beneath the feet of the Palestinian people, which is then piped off %u2013only to be sold back to them. The Israeli settlers also have u.s.-built swimming pools in their subdivisions as further enticement, while many Palestinians cannot afford to pay for their own water and often must go without in thirst while Israelis frolic in the pools.

But there is great hope for the Palestinians! Currently, the u.s. continues to occupy Iraq for their oil reserves. Previously, Israel was established to serve as a base for which to remove Mideast oil from the region. Without the need for the u.s. to support the concept of %u201CIsrael%u201D (George bush simply went to the heart of the region%u2019s oil fields and plopped down to finish up the rape of the land in honor of the u.s. SUV), then it is pointless to waste the tens of billions of u.s. citizen taxpayers per year to fund the occupation - especially in such time of financial crisis in the u.s.

There is a great website for which to support a Palestinian-sanctioned organization that continues to reveal the truth about what is happening each day in occupied Palestine. It is called

Please join this organization for freedom and justice for the struggling Palestinian nation and for the cause of human rights. Or at the very least, join in order to stop the waste of your tax dollars, the money from your hard-earned pocketbook that now serves no good purpose at all, except for the misery of an oppressed, colonized nation.

Not long ago, it was discovered that the Catholics and the Pope were supporting apartheid financially. Once this fact was exposed in the world media, it took only a year for apartheid to die and for the South Africans to regain their homelands. This same thing can happen for the Palestinian people %u2013 a free Palestine - once the truth is known about them.

I have met a Jewish woman who travels the world with the similar message as to what I have written above. She has witnessed and documented some of the above travesties and now wishes to share them with all who will listen. Her website is

She is also an author of a book about occupied Palestine called %u201CWitness in Palestine%u201D. Please contact Anna and invite her to your church, your community, your youth organization, your tribe, or your home. She is a great teacher and truly one of the greatest women in the world.


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