Petition for the victims of Japan quake-tsunami disaster

  • af: SOS JAPON
  • mottagare: Information about donations and messages of encouragement for the disaster in Japan 11/03/2011

Japan needs us!.

To help to Japan, you make a donation to the Red Cross or Save the Children to any of the following methods. Once done, sign the petition. You choose the amount, all we get is helpful!.

Donations to Red Cross

Using your cell phone, you can text-message donations of $10 to the Red Cross. Text the letters REDCROSS to 90999 to make the $10 donation, or visit the organization website for other amounts and methods.

Donations to Save the Children

Save the Children is accepting donations for its Childrens Emergency Fund. We are extremely concerned for the welfare of children and their families who have been affected by the disaster. We stand ready to meet the needs of children who are always the most vulnerable in a disaster, said Eiichi Sadamatsu of the organization in a statement. You can also text JAPAN or TSUNAMI to 20222 to donate $10.

Thank you all.

(For Spanish people)

Jap%uFFFDn nos necesita!.

Para ayudar a Jap%uFFFDn, haz un donativo a la Cruz Roja o a Save the Children Espa%uFFFDa con alguno de los siguientes m%uFFFDtodos. Una vez hecho, firma la petici%uFFFDn. T%uFFFD eliges el importe, %uFFFD todo lo que consigamos ser%uFFFD %uFFFDtil !.

Donativos a trav%uFFFDs del m%uFFFDvil para la Cruz Roja

Para la emergencia del Terremoto de Jap%uFFFDn env%uFFFDa JAPON al 28077 y el importe del mensaje (1,2 euros IVA incl.) se destinar%uFFFD %uFFFDntegro a la Emergencia.(v%uFFFDlido para cualquier operador).

Tambi%uFFFDn est%uFFFDn operativos para la emergencia los siguientes n%uFFFDmeros:

Clientes Vodafone: Envia cre al 28052 y el importe del mensaje (1,2 euros IVA incl.) se destinar%uFFFD a Cruz Roja Espa%uFFFDa

Clientes Yoigo: Envia cre al 28066 y el importe del mensaje (1,2 euros IVA incl.) se destinar%uFFFD a Cruz Roja Espa%uFFFDa

-Otros m%uFFFDtodos de pago para Cruz Roja, haciendo click aqu%uFFFD.

-Donativos para Save the Children Espa%uFFFDa.

Con tarjeta o domiciliaci%uFFFDn bancaria: aqu%uFFFD.
Con Paypal haciendo click en la palabra  formulario , solo tienes que hacer click en  Donar,  bot%uFFFDn que encontrar%uFFFDs en la parte derecha.

Much%uFFFDsimas gracias a todos.


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