Demand an End to Firing Teachers Who Make a Difference in the Students Lives

Over the past three years, Estes Park High School has fallen in love with Mrs. Austin's teaching. Kristen Austin moved to Estes Park three years ago with her husband, from Texas. Over those three years, Mrs. Austin has captured the hearts of all her students. Some students have had her for all three years of her teaching career in EPHS, as other have recently only been with her for a short time. She's the epitome of what Estes Park High School should be. Not only is she our teacher, but she's also our friend. She motivates us to want to go to school, to want to continue with our education.
Throughout those three years, Mrs. Austin has teached us from English III, to Dual Credit, to Contemporary Fiction to helping those students with the English Language and teaching Literacy Academy. Not only is the school board making a mistake letting go of a teacher who has caused a big impact in the daily lifes of the students of this High School. Not only does she teach us English, but she focuses us to be someone in our future.
Since, the moment that Mrs. Austin walks into the building she has a bright smile on her face. She enjoys her job here in Estes Park High School, she makes all of those kids that don't want to do anything with their education, to want to be someone in life. To not give up! There are days that the kids are having a hard day, Mrs. Austin is patient with those students she motivates them.
We are creating this petition to save our favorite teacher's job. She is the one who deserves this job. She's the type of teacher that our students need and our students want.
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