The issue is expensive vet bills the way to resolve this is for government funding for pet animals or cutting the costs in half. The reason I'm bringing this up is because my dog recently became ill and needed to have surgery to help her survive we were quoted $300 for X-ray and consult $2000 for surgery alone and any other extra costs eg: medications follow ups etc us as a family on a low income started a give a little page because we were unable to cover the costs we needed for our beloved 3 year old puppy. I think that this needs to change and something better needs to be in place as everyone should have the right to own a family pet weather they are rich or poor and the government needs to look into the prices that vets are charging people it's robbery and there should be some option to cover costs for surgery's medications etc I believe vets are robbing members of the public and should be a criminal offence for what that are charging when you have a family and you have food to buy clothes for children gas bills all your living expenses and on minimum wage how can you save and compete with prices they say save or ask family members how can you save when minimum wage doesn't even cover living cost and or other expenses and for family not everyone's family are rich and how are you meant to get on top of savings so what we going to have a vet savings a house savings a children's savings when I don't even have any money left at end of week after everything else it's pretty funny how people say save when you got no money to save and even if there was a savings everytime your money starts to creep up for what your saving for something always comes back to smack you in the face like a root canal at the dentist there goes $1000 or more or a filling $300 or more it's so expensive on top of everything else and don't forget that's one persons Teeth out of the family there's the other adult and kids when they are older which is double with a family of 4 on minimum wage your paying all these teeth etc and you just can't afford it and dentist say why did you let your teeth get like this we'll go figure. After rent power food gas etc have no money left to put aside to save I'm working to live literally and there are a lot of people out there like us and that's why you can't save or get pet insurance cause you just don't make enough and then you have the spca asking people to adopt or ask for money we toke our beautiful girl in to give her a good life but how are we meant to do that with no government funding

The vet nurse earns $453 in a hour and half surgery and a surgeon earns $622 in a hour and half surgery for my animal it's insane that's what I earn in a week and I still can't afford it 

Come on let's make a stand even if your rich a rich wouldn't even like these hours it's insane and robbery to me 

The first ever person to start helping animals proberly only charged penny's and no qualifications it's gone from cheap to this today we're do they get there prices from 

I work with animals everyday on a farm and look after them and I don't get paid that much to get a animal or a human seen if they really needed if you wouldn't get seen unless you had the money if it was urgent what's happening to this society the poor are there to make it easier for the rich and the rich will always get richer 


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