Legalize Marijuana to Improve Americans' Health and Fight Racism!

Marijuana boasts a host of benefits that offer relief for a number of conditions, all while being a natural health product. Yet for decades, the U.S. federal government has wrongly demonized this plant and classified it as an extremely dangerous and illegal substance. This has prevented millions of people from accessing treatments that could have helped, while simultaneously landing tens of thousands of people - mostly Black and Brown folks - in prison.

Now, more and more U.S. states are trying to fight this injustice by individually decriminalizing marijuana. It's time for the federal government to see the writing on the wall and follow the states' lead. Urge the U.S. federal government to fully legalize marijuana access and production now!

When it comes to offering relief from both physical health and mental health symptoms, few substances can provide as effective and wide-ranging assistance as marijuana. Medically, it's able to alleviate chronic pain, epilepsy, symptoms from both cancer and chemotherapy, and more. Psychologically, it's been linked to reduced symptoms of anxiety and even PTSD.

Meanwhile, products that are known to have very serious and negative health effects - such as alcohol and tobacco - are completely legal.

Nothing about the criminalization of marijuana makes sense, except as a way to bolster pharmaceutical companies' profits and yet another excuse to target and arrest people of color. But people across racial, ethnic, age, and gender divides would all benefit from having safe, easy, consistent access to this life-changing natural medicine.

Luckily, some members of Congress have introduced the Marijuana Opportunity Reinvestment and Expungement (MORE) Act, which would decriminalize marijuana by removing this plant from the list of federally controlled substances. This is a great start, but Congress must go even further by fully legalizing this important medicine! Sign the petition now!
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