Urge Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) in Dublin, Ireland to Appeal Dog Killer Order

  • af: ARAN Ireland
  • mottagare: Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP)

Liam Dowling, the man who violently killed his Jack Russell dog has only been given a slap on the wrist by the Irish courts system. He was given a 200 hour community service stint, and most disturbingly, he is allowed to have dogs and other animals again. This makes a mockery of the Animal Health and Welfare Act of 2013 that allows for harsher penalties.

We ask you to please sign this petition that Animal Rights Action Network (ARAN) here in Ireland will personally deliver to the DPP in Dublin to urge them to have this order revisited and to ensure that Dowling is not only given a hefty fine and jail term, but more importantly, to never be in possession of an animal again.

If enough people sign, the courts will see that the public do not think that justice was served, and that further action needs to be taken.

Opdater #39 år siden
Hi all, we've now passed the 28 days that the DPP can take to review the case. We can't say for sure what will happen, but we tried our best and brought attention big time to it. Now keep September 27 free to be in Dublin for the big event. Click here for more, https://www.facebook.com/155913217835225/photos/a.160903520669528.37234.155913217835225/857069137719626/?type=1&theater.
Opdater #29 år siden
Hi everyone,

Thanks for signing our petition. Since this went out many other petitions have been set up. Of course the more the merrier. We are urging the DPP to revisit the case and get it back before the courts. ARAN will aim to update you. In the meantime, please keep September 27 free for our 'MAKE CRUELTY TO ANIMALS HISTORY' march and rally in Dublin. Updates here, be sure to LIKE and FOLLOW. https://www.facebook.com/pages/ARAN-Animal-Rights-Action-Network/155913217835225.
Opdater #19 år siden

Thanks so much for signing the petition.

If you live in Ireland and want to do more to oppose cruelty to animals, may we please suggest you take just two hours out on Sunday, September 27 to attend ARAN's 'MAKE CRUELTY TO ANIMALS HISTORY' march and rally in Dublin. Full details are here, https://www.facebook.com/155913217835225/photos/a.160903520669528.37234.155913217835225/857069137719626/?type=1&theater.

Thank you,

'Fighting animal abuse across Ireland'
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