New Hampshire: Close the Wage Gap!

Women working full time in New Hampshire earn only 76% as much as men in equal or comparable positions. That's significantly less than the already-too-low nationwide average of 79%.

The pay gap has barely budged in the last decade, and is even greater for mothers, who struggle to make ends meet for their families. The difference in pay limits single mothers' ability to pay for their children's college education and medical care.

There's no reason why women should earn less than men. It's time for legislators to take action on the wage gap. On July 23, Massachusetts passed an equal pay law that will require employers to pay all employees the same wage for comparable positions. They will also be banned from asking prospective employees their salary histories, which has discriminatory effects on women and people of color.

Please sign the petition to urge New Hampshire to follow Massachusetts' lead and create legislation to close the gender wage gap!

I am concerned about the significant difference in pay between men and women working in New Hampshire.

Women working full time in New Hampshire earn only 76% as much as men in equal or comparable positions. That's significantly less than the already-too-low nationwide average of 79%.

The pay gap has barely budged in the last decade, and is even greater for mothers, who struggle to make ends meet for their families. The difference in pay limits single mothers' ability to pay for their children's college education and medical care.

There's no reason why women should earn less than men. It's time for legislators to take action on the wage gap. On July 23, Massachusetts passed an equal pay law that will require employers to pay all employees the same wage for comparable positions. They will also be banned from asking prospective employees their salary histories, which has discriminatory effects on women and people of color.

I respectfully urge you to follow Massachusetts' lead and create legislation to close the gender wage gap. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider this petition.

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