The country of France has just enacted a new law that classifies animals as "LIVING BEINGS WITH FEELINGS". This is nothing short of a revolutionary statute, and the time has come for everyone else to follow suit, starting with the United States. Animal lovers, and animal rights' advocates everywhere are rejoicing, and implore that good citizens everywhere add their signatures to this petition. The "snowball effect" should continue. We want this petition to have at least 100,000 signatures. It may then cause some people in the right places to sit up and take notice, recognizing that there are many, many people that want and demand similar legislation be enacted here in the United States and beyond. Please sign and share this petition with everyone you know.
Our animal kingdom, especially our pets, have never really been considered as having any rights whatsoever. For centuries, they have been "second class citizens", as it were, regarded the same status as any inanimate object, a piece of property like a chair or a washing machine.
Now, at least within their borders, the country of France has recounted that "second class" designation that has burdened our animals for time immemorial. A new and unprecedented law has taken effect there, which now gives animals a classification as "living beings with feelings". As far as THIS WRITER knows, it is the FIRST law of it's kind. This legislation now gives pet owners the right to compensation for pain and suffering (if another party happens to be involved) for the loss of their loved one, instead of attempting to recover the monetary value of the animal ONLY.
This is some of the best news to come into the public eye, in our animal kingdoms' favor, in a very, very long time. Animal lovers, as well as animal rights' advocates everywhere are rejoicing in this victory. Even though it is just ONE country, as it is said, you have to start somewhere. We animal lovers and advocates everywhere, must view this victory as an opportunity to start a "snowball effect", so as to let our collective voices be heard loud and clear. This revolutinary new decree MUST BE enacted everywhere. Our animals have been here much, much longer than we have, and as such, deserve to continue to flourish, and, among many other things, keep our ever more delicate balance of nature intact. To quote a very well known advocate FOR ALL THAT IS GOOD ON EARTH, "If all the beasts were gone, man would die from a great loneliness of spirit. For whatever happens to the beast, also happens to the man. All things are connected. Whatever befalls the Earth, also befalls the sons of the Earth".----Chief Seattle
Listen to your heart...and your conscience. Add your signature to this petition, and share it with everyone you know. The time is here and now for our animals to be given the recognition that they deserve, and have been denied for far too long. Our animals have feelings and emotions. They know happiness and grief. There has been far too much research and documentation to try and deny those facts. They have souls, just as any other living being. It is time for them to be recognized as such.