Stop Fantage From Shutting Down! Bring Back The Old Fantage!

Fantage has been a childhood game for many users for almost 10 years and we're all sad to hear that they're closing down permanently on June 30, 2018. Fantage is very unique and stands out from other games because of the fun they've brought to users for years. As years went by, the game didn't catch users' interest as much anymore because of they limit all the fun to premium members, and that was quite unfair. This is a very critical time and I'd like for everyone to support and encourage Fantage by signing this petition for them to continue. Help Fantage continue to be a Fantastic Age!

Opdater #16 år siden
We now have a small number of supporters but I'm afraid that isn't enough to catch Fantage's attention. Please help out by spreading the news and asking everyone to sign this petition! June 30th is only a few weeks away now. Let's all put in our efforts to keep Fantage going!
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