End the cruel captivity of the bears in Tennessee.

  • af: Gary Gallagher
  • mottagare: Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency (TWRA)

This very worthwhile petition is about closing The Three Bears General Store's bear facility immediately and relocating the bears that are held captive there.The deplorable conditions in which they are "housed" consist of a concrete pit, some "rocks," a log or two and a wading pool in which the bears bathe and drink the water from. The bears have suffered in this tourist trap for decades and so even one more day for this cruelty to continue is far too long!

Opdater #19 år siden
Victory is ours, for the people who signed!
The bears have been relocated to a sanctuary in Colorado.
Thank you to all who signed my petition and remember to keep signing towards other useful causes. It works. You are living proof of that!
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