Florian Gjoni is the most disgracious vet there is. This scumbag works at the local offices' vet hospital of Tirana and has been euthanising illegally hundreds of healthy dogs. The local offices have, against the law and any kind of moral has been euthanising healthy spayed dogs and declaring that they follow the Trap, Neuter, Vaccinate and Release (TNVR) programmes for stray dogs. They have tendered and stolen thousands of public funds under false pretences that they are only vaccinizing and spaying the dogs but in reality, they followed the short way, captured and euthanised.
Click on the video below to see the ugly truth about dogs in Tirana
Animal lovers in Tirana who fed and took care for these dogs have been left desperate and in pain seeing their beloved pets missing over night.
Below the post from Animal Rescue Albania
The truth, how Tirana City Hall kills stray dogs with taxpayer's money.
Our mayor has left nothing bad unsaid about us and since he publicly stated, that for as long he would be mayor not one stray dog would be killed we were forced to conduct an investigation to finally prove what really happened and is still happening to the stray dogs of Tirana.
At the start we contacted the Agency of the Consumer Protection with a request where we asked for information regarding their budget, copies of the spay/neuter registers, information regarding the euthanasia procedure etc. The requested information was not made available despite their legal obligation to do so.
Right after, we discovered that the Agency of the Consumer Protection operating under the Tirana City Hall tendered 2 (two) times under unrealistic costs, for the purpose of spay/neuter of stray's campaign.
The first tender was done in October 2016, with a value of 9,253.100 Lek, for the purpose of spay/neuter 2500 dogs. By a simple math the "super vets" of the Agency of the Consumer Protection should have spayed/neutered 33 dogs a day. According to the documents the spay/neuter cost for one dog was 4000 Lek. The tender also included the medication for euthanasia in the quantity of 20 bottles 50 ml each enough to kill 300 dogs.
The second tender took place in April 2017 with a value of 20,872.9000 Lek.
This tender includes the purchases of:
1. 550 syringes
2. 8000 vaccines (2 for each dog)
3. Anesthesia medicament 41,000 ml enough to spay/neuter 20,500 dogs (2 ml/20 kg dog)
4. Euthanasia medicament 230 bottles 50 ml each enough to kill 2300 – 2500 depending on the ogs weight (5 ml / 30 kg dog)
5. 150 kg black bags with the dimensions 70 x 100 cm
After doing a market research about the veterinary supplies in Tirana we found out that the cost of spaying/neutering one dog is in the range of 653 Lek.
Take a look at the table and the original receipts. Just by a simple calculation we find that the combined value of both tenders was enough to spay/neuter 47,000 always based on the prices offered by the veterinary pharmaceutical depot.
Today we have the proof that our hysterical Pinocchio mayor has killed the dogs partly with euthanasia and according to the testimonies from the workers inside the clinic by injecting air and also by electrical shock with acid battery shot in the heart.
Today we have the proof that the mayor, who can't have enough pictures of himself with a shovel like a gravedigger that himself has defended this criminal and corruptive activity is the architect and the big beneficiary of this story.
Tirana today has barely any dogs left, Erion Veliaj, Rudina Hoxha, Hermiona Hajdini and the organization they created and directed, has killed the dogs and has stolen taxpayer's money in the amount of 26,203.500 Leke. That's why they are an ugly display of arrogance and prepotency, all together in this circle of corruption and killings of the innocent lives.
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