When local law enforcement neglects animals

  • af: Mary W
  • mottagare: Danny Sullins Chief of Police Lumberton, TX

I was pulled over for a traffic violation and arrested for traffic tickets and my service dog was left in my vehicle that was towed and impounded for over 12 hours. My dog, who's like mu child, my best friend, my confidante was locked in a black truck the entire time. When I went to pick up my dog he was still inside the vehicle. And the wrecker even said no one ever told him my dog was in the vehicle. This is something that our local law enforcement is suppose to protect and serve. The officer wrote a 3 page report which I was able to see in court and not 1 time did the officer mention my service dog, Hanni. Well 2 of the many cops on the scene when I was arrested asked if my dog bites. "Of course not he is a service dog", I replied. But there was my poor Hanni waiting for his momma because he was all alonr and evidently so hungry he ate thru 2 of the seatbelts in my car. Maybe he just wanted out to pee, who knows because no one knew but me who was worried about him the whole time. I asked several times about my dog but was never given a real answer. What can be doen to ensure no living creature, animal, or human has to go thru this abuse and neglect again?

I am not trying to cause any problems, but I am simply trying to stand up for Hanni, because he only speaks in dog language, but just like us, he breathes in air and is a living creature that has rights just as humans do. He did not deserve to be treated in the way he was by our local law enforcement. Please at least help me by making sure no one leaves animal has to go through such an unfortunate incident. Thank you and God bless our animals too.

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