Demand the New Caledonia government shuts down the polluting Goro Nickel Plant

  • af: Georgina B
  • mottagare: President of the Government of New Caledonia, Harold Martin

The indigenous population of New Caledonia is calling for a nickel mine, located next to a World Heritage site, to be permanently shut down due to the constant contamination of the environment.

The Goro Nickel Plant, owned by Brazil-based company Vale, has been beset by problems, with five spills in five years. Experts say the scale of the mine has always raised concerns.

Operations were suspended in May after 100,000 litres of acid-tainted effluent ended up in a river, killing fish and polluting the water supply of the indigenous population. The waste water then moves out to sea, polluting fishing grounds and killing sea life.

The indigenous people of New Caledonia have the right to have their rivers, oceans and lands protected from pollution.

Please sign the petition and demand the New Caledonia government permanently shuts down the Goro Nickel Plant.

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