Save the giraffes

 World worst photo:

Without question this photo is one of the saddest photos that I have ever seen in my entire life.  Here we see a man, who obviously thinks the is one of the world’s greatest safari huntsmen of all time, sitting obnoxiously unshaven with rifle in hand along with a disgusting, nasty cigarette dangling from his mouth in front of what he perhaps would say is his prize-bagged animal for the day, a giraffe.  What a senseless incredibly stupid idiotic moron of a human being.  He is precisely the worst example that I can find today as to why guns should be removed from the hands of these idiots.  I ask you, can you really call this senseless kill much of a prize trophy in any kind of a hunting/sporting event?  Further I ask, was this animal notoriously dangerous or a tremendous threat to humans or other life forms?  Was this animal because of their huge numbers causing terrible, harmful effects to its environment?  Was this animal too large in numbers to where population control has become necessary to intervene?  Weren’t there any other sources of meat available in the area; could this man or others perhaps nearby survive without this animal’s meat?  Lastly now, do you have the picture more clearly in mind as to why this is one of the saddest pictures, and why some people should be banned from owning guns?  Shall we save the giraffe or support the huntsmen idiots like this guy who will surely demand to keep his gun rights?

Giraffes by nature are very curious among all other animals and perhaps this one would have walked up right up to this hunter just to see what he is doing.  What kind of sport game hunting is this, than no less of that in having to use a spotting scope on the gun to boot?

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