The first time I saw the sea-lions and a baby penguin in a small pool inside the mall, I didnt feel joy. I didnt feel entertained. I felt anger, I cried, I felt sorry for the poor animals. They do not belong here!
For years sea lions and penguins have been held captive in West Edmonton Mall forced to perform. It's unarguably inhumane. With the recent passing of bill S 203 banning the breeding and captivity of cetaceans (whales), the government of Canada has recognized ethical issues with keeping marine life captive. The sea lions do not belong in captivity and they need to be released. Find more information here.
Take action Guys! Set them free! As a society we can not allow the exploitation of animals. Few individuals are profiting from the direct pain and misery of innocent creatures. We have the power to end these animals misery. Sign and Share!
Opdater #14 år siden
Hi Everyone,
I want to express my earnest gratitude for your signatures. I also want to introduce myself. I am Sabrina, a PhD student at University of Victoria, Canada. As you know, I am trying to stop this nonsense use of animals in the shopping mall in Edmonton, Alberta in Canada. I cant do this myself. I need your help to get 10,000 signatures. Nobody will care if we don't get these many. Please encourage your friends and family to sign and share and I know we will win one day. Thank you!