Bring homeopathic treatment on the NHS for Cerebral Palsy

Our son has cerebral palsy and has suffered drawbacks in his development due to lack of research and a delayed diagnosis. We went to a homeopathic doctor as an act of simple desperation when he started deteriorating fast at the end of last year. It was a shot in the dark. But we found our saviour. She has an umbrella of several types of treatment. She helped him when we had no help. We would like to put in this petition on behalf of all parents who have a lack of options for alternative treatment. Physio is simply not enough. Homeopathic treatments as well as cranial therapy, acupuncture and chiro could help our children's gross and fine motor function. Shay is living proof. He is 95% there. So we urge to bring it back for children with cerebral palsy. Being told "there's no cure" is hard enough, but just being offered  Physio and daily management is not cutting it for a lot of us. 

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