Ban meat export from India: Say No to halal process of commercial slaughtering - Sukanya Kadyan

  • af: Kadyan Naresh
  • mottagare: Rajya Sabha Committee on Petitions for meat export policy of India
1. Animals are being badly abused during their shifting towards slaughter houses in India violating the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960 read with the Cattle Transport Rules, 1978 amended in 2001, like wise the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Slaughter House) Rules, 2001 also badly ignored, halal process of commercial slaughtering is also illegal, as per section 28 of the PCA Act, 1960 allow animal sacrifice for religious purpose, it must be amended and PCA Act, 1960 be replaced with out any further delay, we want Ordinance at once. 2. Now a committee constituted by the Rajya Sabha (Upper House of Indian Parliament) to review the meat export policy of India and comments are invited by the Committee, so please ban meat export from India along with the halal process of commercial slaughtering because it is a violation of the article 51 A(g) of Indian Constitution, where as Abhishek Kadyan and Sukanya Kadyan are working hard to get ban on the above said position.
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