"No Dog Left Behind": Encourage Retail Stores to Help Prevent Dog Deaths in Cars

  • af: Romi Andrews
  • mottagare: Walmart CEO: Doug McMillon; Target CEO: Brian Cornell; Kroger CEO: Rodney McMullen

“Animals can sustain brain damage or even die from heatstroke in just 15 minutes.” - Peta

To encourage retail giants like Walmart, Target and Kroger to provide facilities for canine pets while their guardians/pet parents are shopping. The idea is for these stores to build “dog parking” like IKEA did in Germany.

“Dog parking” would provide water and a safe place for pets, while their guardians are inside the store - instead of the dangerous alternative of dogs being left in a hot car where they are vulnerable to heat stroke and death.

No dog deserves to die in a car.

Parked cars are deathtraps for dogs: On a 78-degree day, the temperature inside a parked car can soar to between 100 and 120 degrees in just minutes, and on a 90-degree day, the interior temperature can reach as high as 160 degrees in less than 10 minutes.” - PETA

(Note: This petition is not affiliated with PETA.)

Photo credit: Brotkrumen.  (Photo of "dog parking" at IKEA in Berlin.)

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