Don't Let Trump Kill the Endangered Species Act

With Republicans in control of Congress, the Endangered Species Act is on the chopping block!  House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Rob Bishop has said he "would love to invalidate" the law. Other Republican lawmakers would like to limit logging restrictions under the act, stop lawsuits to protect species, or force one species off the list for every species added to the list.

Even though the Endangered Species Act (ESA) saved the bald eagle from extinction, and has kept 1,600 other species from disappearing, destructive industries and their supporters in Congress can't wait to send a toothless ESA to President Trump's desk for a signature.

Wolves are in the cross-hairs because Republicans are pushing to open up trophy hunting, and lawsuits from environmental groups have been the wolves' last defense.

Additionally, salmon, walrus, wolverines and other important species would be at risk under a weakened ESA because the protection of their habitat is opposed by energy, mining, logging and agricultural industries.

The only way we can stop this assault on the Endangered Species Act is to loudly stand up against these industries and let our leaders know we won't back down. Sign and share this Care2 petition and we'll show anti-wilderness leaders in Congress what happens when people who care take action together. 

Opdater #26 år siden
The Trump administration continues to weaken the ESA. Please
share this petition to defend the ESA now!
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