Support Entheogenic Practitioners in Oregon

    To the Oregon Health Authority: We urge you to adopt the proposed “Entheogenic Practitioners” framework that has been endorsed by the OPAB Licensing and Equity Subcommittees. We also urge you to create a special manufacturing endorsement for entheogenic practitioners, as recommended by the OPAB Licensing Subcommittee. The proposed framework and manufacturing endorsement would provide important protections to sincere religious, spiritual, and contemplative communities who work with psilocybin-containing mushrooms.

    Because Oregon’s program is the first of its kind, the rules we adopt will become the standard for all adult-use psychedelic services programs that follow. Therefore, it is imperative that Oregon develops a program that creates a safe container for psilocybin use by Indigenous and religious communities. By adopting the proposed framework, OHA can invite underground psilocybin practitioners to practice above ground within Measure 109, thereby reducing harm and improving accountability.

    Oregon must take care to avoid regulations that create paywalls which prevent marginalized communities from accessing psychedelic and entheogenic experiences. Adopting the proposal would allow for affordable, community-based options that would bring psilocybin services within financial reach of the 560,000 Oregonians who live in poverty.

    Please protect religious, spiritual, and contemplative communities through the adoption of the proposed entheogenic practitioner framework and manufacturing endorsement. Creating affordable, community-oriented pathways to psilocybin is a critical step in achieving equity in the future of psychedelic services.
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