Don't Kill the Portofino Resort Cats, Pensacola Beach, FL

  • af: Sharyn Berg
  • mottagare: Portofino Resort Management, Tower 2 HOA Board, Master Association

Please sign our petition on  That one emails Portofino decision makers directly.  thanks!

Portofino Resort in Pensacola, FL, has decided to kill the 12 cats who have been living at the resort for over 4 years. All cats have been fixed and vaccinated, some are even microchipped.  The Trap/Neuter/Return work had the blessing of the resort, in fact management even chipped in $500 towards the cost of the surgery.  The HOA Board in Tower 2 recently made the decision to have the cats living there trapped and killed without input from the rest of the property owners.  The Master Association plans on recommending similar actions to the HOA Boards of the other 4 Towers.  Portofino Management has told us this via email and personal conversation.  They have hired Critter Gitter to trap the cats starting Monday (7/14/14). We're not sure what Critter Gitter does with them. Do they euthanize or take to shelter? Which shelter? Relocation (dumping) elsewhere is illegal. Unfortunately, there is nowhere for these cats to go to be safely relocated

We've offered a variety of deterrents at our expense. Portofino management hasn't tried any.  Only a small number of people are complaining, other property owners don't want the cats killed.

We have requested a specific list of grievances so we can address, as we're confident we can, and asked them to postpone trapping until we have time to review. Portofino management has told us via email trapping will begin Monday and the president of HOA Board Tower 2 would not postpone trapping, as requested.

Please sign this petition and let Portofino Management and the Board Members of Tower 2 know that more people want the cats to be allowed to stay on the property rather than be killed at the animal shelter.

Please allow the cats to remain on the Portofino Resort Property and give Emerald Coast Animal Allies a list of greivences so they can address and find soluntions to the issues a few people have with the cats being on the property.  There is no such thing as Trap and Remove.  Any feral cat taken to either Escambia or Santa Rosa county animal shelter will be killed.  These cats are victims of human neglecance and don't deserve to die.

Opdater #110 år siden
UPDATE 7/18/14: Please sign our other petition on That one emails Portofino decision makers directly. Portofino set traps out yesterday. They still haven't given us a list of grievances as to why the cats must leave. We TNR'd the last cats as recently as June 2014 so why must the leave now? We will be picketing on Saturday 7/19/14 from 11am-2pm in front of the resort. If you are in Pensacola, PLEASE JOIN US!
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