Ensure Tougher Animal Cruelty Laws, Charges & Penalties in Virginia to Protect Animals

  • af: Sue Lee
  • mottagare: Virginia State Legislators

Animal cruelty, abuse and neglect or abandonment continues to be on the rise nationwide including the state of Virginia.  No one condones willful and intentional harm to a defenseless animal, yet it never seems to stop. Something needs to change in order to make an impact and make people realize and understand that disrespecting and harming animals is cruel, unjust and just plain wrong.  Read more on Virginia animal laws at http://www.dcbar.org/sections/environment-energy-and-natural-resources/cruelty06.cfm#OVERVIEW, http://www.garrettlawgroup.com/2013/11/04/virginia-man-faces-animal-cruelty-charges/, and animal cruelty nationwide at http://www.straypetadvocacy.org/PDF/AnimalCrueltyLaws.pdf.

Animal cruelty is not a new issue and humans needs to be held accountable for any actions against these living creatures.  The respect and care of animals should begin with our youth, teaching them that animals are not objects without feelings.  The disrespect of animals comes in all forms, from minor issues involving neglect to serious injuries, dog fighting and death. Whatever the extent, any offense against a living, breathing defenseless animals warrants no less than a felony offense.

The purpose of this petition is to urge Virginia State Legislators to implement stricter animal cruelty penalties that would ensure any and all offenses against an animal is classified as a felony, first offense and subsequent crimes.  Appropriate penalties need to include any or all such as longer jail sentences, higher fees, and possible acts of community service hours. The offender must then be listed on an animal cruelty registry permanently with a lifetime ban from ever caring for, working with or ever again owning any animals for life.  Strict measures need to be taken for the abuse to stop.  You can help with this critical issue by signing and sharing this petition.

Virginia State Legislators – Please take a stand and be a loud voice for poor defenseless animals. Animal cruelty is not a new issue and humans needs to be held accountable for any actions against these living creatures. The respect and care of animals should begin with our youth, teaching them that animals are not objects without feelings. The disrespect of animals comes in all forms, from minor issues involving neglect to serious injuries, dog fighting and death. Whatever the extent, any offense against a living, breathing defenseless animals warrants no less than a felony offense. I strongly urge you to implement stricter animal cruelty penalties that would ensure any and all offenses against an animal is classified as a felony, first offense and subsequent crimes. Appropriate penalties need to include any or all such as longer jail sentences, higher fees, and possible acts of community service hours. The offender must then be listed on an animal cruelty registry permanently with a lifetime ban from ever caring for, working with or ever again owning any animals for life. Strict measures need to be taken for the abuse to stop.

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