Demand A National Ban On Using Rat Poison To Murder Mountain Lions!

If California can do it, the US can too! Urge Senator Bernie Sanders to introduce legislation to ban the use of rat poison to destroy wildlife.

Imagine consuming something that causes your inside to slowly boil and causes you to gradually melt from the inside-out. Imagine dying in unbearable levels of agony as your organs fail. Imagine hours of suffering as your final time on earth.

Sounds like something out of a horror movie, right? No.

This was the reality for California mountain lions until recently, but thousands of other innocent animals can still a similar tragic fate. Poison intended to kill rats is being used to exterminate endangered species that may be inconvenient for some landowners. In some states this poisoning is fully legal.

It is essential that we demand that US lawmakers pass a law banning the use of such horrific rat poison from use in controlling wildlife populations including other endangered mountain lions.

Sign now to urge Senator Sanders introduce legislation to ban the use of rat poison in human wildlife conflicts.

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