Remove from Facebook: A bullet for every Wolf

  • af: Michael Eddy
  • mottagare: Sheryl Sandberg Chief Operating Officer Facebook

We are requesting that Facebook remove the site: A bullet for every Wolf. This site as with others of similarity, promote violence and Animal abuse. By allowing these sites to exist on Facebook you are condoning their activities. Animal abuse is a Tier 1 FELONY with the FBI starting in 2016. This, because of a direct correlation to serial killers. There is no difference in these activities by the group previously mentioned. We believe it is time for the staff at Facebook to take a hard look at groups such as this, and remove them permanently. You cannot bow down to the inherent greed factor of rancher's and hunter's alike in your decision. Again, allowing these groups to exist on Facebook is the same as condoning and assisting in their violent and abusive behavior. We urge that you consider these factors in your final decision. Also, consider some proper research into why Wolves are vital to any successful ecosystem. Thank you. 

We are asking that Facebook remove the site: A bullet for every Wolf. This site, as with others of similarity, promote violence and Animal abuse. By allowing these sites to exist on Facebook you are condoning and promoting these barbaric activities. Animal abuse is a Tier 1 FELONY with the FBI in 2016. This, because of the DIRECT correlation to serial killer's. There is NO difference in these activies by the group previously mentioned. We believe it is time for the staff at Facebook to take a hard look at groups such as this, and remove them permanently. You must not bow down to the inherent greed factor of rancher's and hunter's alike in your decision. Again, allowing these groups to exist on Facebook is the same as condoning and assisting in their violent and abusive behavior. We urge that you consider these factors in your final decision. Also, research the vital importance of Wolves in a successful ecosystem. Thank you for your consideration. 

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