• af: Mark Alchin
  • mottagare: Blue Mountains City Council

The future of the oldest cafe in Leura, the Wayzgoose, is under threat. The property owner, Blue Mountains City Council, has failed to maintain the property over the last dozen years. The tenants have informed them of problems with the building, and even provided a report several years ago. Meetings have been held and Council employees have agreed to perform remedial work, but have not done so.

In July this year Council finally conducted an inspection of the building and decreed that it was in such bad condition that the tenants had to vacate, claiming that under the Retail Leases Act they are entitled to take this action as the building is so "damaged" that continued safe occupancy is not possible.

We maintain that - had preventative maintenance been initiated when they were aware of the problems - this situation would not have arisen, and that it is therefore unconscionable to evict (without compensation) the tenants, who have invested more than $250,000.

Several options are under consideration, and we urge Council to ensure that the interests of the owners, their staff, suppliers and customers are regarded as the primary consideration in reaching the final decision.

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