Please sign and share this petition on all your media sites in an effort to get Oregon and hopefully other states nationwide to change their laws that treats animals and the abuse/cruelty they endure as property with meaningless effects.
Recently, a case was brought to court involving a dog that was starved by its owner and the case was thrown out without punishing the woman. Local citizens were appalled at the case and decision of the judge. This incident could set a precedent by making it more difficult for animal-cruelty investigators to seek instantaneous care for beaten, starved or otherwise injured pets. And the ruling could make it tougher for prosecutors to go after people suspected of abusing or neglecting their animals.
PETA or the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals have more than 300 million members and supporters throughout the United States with the slogan that states that, "animals are not ours to eat, wear, experiment on, use for entertainment or abuse in any way." Many states enforce this slogan in their laws against animal abuse and cruelty, especially Maryland and other eastern areas. However, some states are still lacking in their laws and practices that involves the care and well-being of animals.
It is sad to think that animals are only considered property in the eyes of the law. That is why there is so much abuse of animals worldwide; who cares if “property” is broken, abused and tossed out like yesterday’s trash??!! Such a case exist in Oregon when an informant told the Oregon Humane Society that Portland-area resident Newcomb was beating her dog, failing to properly feed it and keeping it in a kennel for many hours a day. An animal-cruelty investigator went to Newcomb’s apartment and, once invited in, saw the dog in the yard “in a near emaciated condition.” The dog, the investigator reported, “was kind of eating at random things in the yard, and trying to vomit.”The investigator asked why, and Newcomb said she was out of dog food but that she was going to get more that night. Really?
After the case went to court, this woman was actually sentenced to a year of probation and not able to own another animal for five years. However, the case went before the Court of Appeals to try and release of her any sentencing because officials did not have a search warrant when the dog was discovered. The dog was near death! The owner argued that dogs are personal property and she has the same privacy rights to her dog as she would to objects such as pocket knives or boots -- which is a reference to previous case law. This is such unfair treatment of a living, breathing being that most humans consider members of the family. Additionally, with the original sentencing she received, she should never be allowed to own another pet as long as she lives. Since they are objects to her and others like her, you know she will be a repeat offender!
Please sign and share this petition on all your media sites in an effort to get Oregon and hopefully other states nationwide to change their laws that treats animals and the abuse/cruelty they endure as property with meaningless effects. Animals are living, breathing beings that should be treated and respected as family members; not objects or property.
State of Oregon Judicial System and Legislators – Please strengthen and enforce stricter laws regarding the health and well-being of animals. The laws currently are lax and refer to pets only as a piece of property that goes with minor repercussions if harmed, abused, neglected or abandoned. Most people will agree; a pet and personal animals are considered more than just objects and property but actually an extended member of the family. Your laws need to reflect this when a person is clearly guilty of animal abuse. Such persons should be charged with a felony count for each count of animal cruelty and never be allowed to care for or own another pet as long as they live. Protect the animals and enforce stricter laws that can make a difference in the life of all animals.
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