Demand HSUS, ASPCA, ALDF to Support statewide Animal Abuse Registries

It is clear how animal abuse, child & elder abuse and domestic violence are linked. It is also clear how animal abuse is often times a red flag to much more violent crimes such as mass shootings, serial killing & rapes as well as school shootings. The majority of the public agrees the time has come for each state to have a public statewide animal abuse registry. Only one state has implemented this, Tennessee but several more are considering, such as New York. It remains a struggle to convince lawmakers and law enforcement officials that it is worth the time and money to implement a database of statewide offenders. The help of large national nonprofits like HSUS, ASPCA, and ALDF as a sponsor could ease the struggle.

When questioned these agencies, most feel that since it would be modeled after the sex abuse registry and that seems to have only stopped offenders at a rate of 22% the verdict on such a registry is still out. However, just as the sex abuse registry is not for a cure of sex abuse crimes, nor would be a animal abuse registry. So what then would it's purpose be?

1) a way for the public to insure those they are hiring are safe to be working in their homes, business and around their pets and venerable family members.
2) a way for business like dairies, veterinarians, schools, youth clubs etc. to ensure those they hire do not have convictions of crimes against animals.
3) it would be a way for law enforcement and the courts to ensure mental health evaluations, angermanagement, and group theropy compliance.
4) shelters, rescue and the public looking to rehome pets would be able to do a quick background search, and better enabling them safer placement.
5) a way for other agencies, like CPS, Elder abuse and domestic violence to astablish a link, for the use in of safety procautions like restraining orders etc.

The link between animal abuse and other interpersonal abuse is 88%, this is a number we can no longer ignore. Abusers of animals are five times as likely to harm humans. Nearly half of the victims who stay in violent households do so because they are afraid for their animals. Countless more never leave the home for this very reason. Companion animals like cats and dogs may be threatened or harmed; the vulnerability of other animals like horses may also make it difficult for victims to escape in emergencies. The "link" between violence against humans and animals is clear. We believe we must see the abuse of animals for what it is, what it maybe hiding, and what it leads to within society.
Please sign and show support for Oregon to follow the lead of Tennessee and implement an animal abuse registry.
Also go to this link to sign the petition for NATIONAL REGISTRY FOR ANIMAL ABUSERS

Opdater #15 år siden
Please share on all your social media sites and with friends and family, we need to vamp up our efforts and get this more exposure, so we can get more signatures! Thank you
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