Oregon Animal Abuse Registry

Animal abuser registries are intended to provide a resource for police, shelters and adoption centers to identify convicted animal abusers who are trying to adopt or purchase an animal or who are involved in new allegations of abuse. The image above is a horse here in Oregon, renamed Justice. He was abused, neglected and even though is safe and cared for now, will have life long health problems. Please check out his story, one of many.

Animal abuser registries, which are modeled on registries kept for convicted sex offenders, have gained popularity across the country. Legislation in some states makes the information on the registries available only to law enforcement and animal control and shelter facilities' personnel. Other state bills allow access for members of the public as well. Access to this information is crucial in keeping companion animals out of the hands of people with a record of abuse,cruelty or neglect.

While many states have proposed the adoption of an animal abuser registry — including New York State —
it remains a struggle to convince lawmakers and law enforcement officials that it is worth the time and money to implement a database of statewide offenders. A national database has also been considered by animal advocacy groups, but this undertaking would rely on the voluntary compliance of thousands of individual police and sheriffs' departments from around the country.
Abusers of animals are five times as likely to harm humans. Nearly half of the victims who stay in violent households do so because they are afraid for their animals. Countless more never leave the home for this very reason. Companion animals like cats and dogs may be threatened or harmed; the vulnerability of other animals like horses may also make it difficult for victims to escape in emergencies. The "link" between violence against humans and animals is clear. If convicted of animal abuse, being required to be on a Animal Abuse Registry would also require counselling and anger management. This also gives a Red Flag for other organizations who deal with Domestic Violence, child and Elder abuse. We believe we must see the abuse of animals for what it is, what it maybe hiding, and what it leads to within society.
Please sign and show support for Oregon to follow the lead of Tennessee and implement an animal abuse registry.

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