Localize the Persona 3 Movies and Bring ー#3 Falling Downー to Selected Theaters in North America

  • af: Cathy Capalla
  • mottagare: Atlus, Atlus USA, Aniplex, Aniplex USA

Spring of Birth // Midsummer's Knight Dream // Falling Down


Since the release of Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 in 2007, the Persona franchise has become a well-received Japanese Roleplaying Game in North America. And as a result of the success of Persona 4 and its sequels, the American, Canadian, and Mexican fanbase continues to grow and thrive.

The Persona 3 Movies   

In November 2013, Persona 3 the Movie ー#1 Birth of Springー was premiered throughout Japan and was released as a bluray and DVD on May 2013, exclusively for Japan [1]. Imports were made by Aniplex USA but are currently sold out [2]. People in North America have no access to Birth of Spring unless they are in contact with a third party who will buy the copy from Japan and ship it to North America.

The following year, Persona 3 the Movie ー#2 Midsummer's Knight Dreamー experienced a similar treatment with its prequel and went through a roadshow event in Japan, which lasted from June to October 2014 [3]. It has been announced early November 2014 that Japanese bluray and DVDs will be on sale by March 11, 2014 [4]. Any actions made by Aniplex USA to bring the second movie to North America has not yet been made.

In 2015, Persona 3 the Movie 「#3 Falling Down」will also have a roadshow event in Japan and is currently undergoing development [5].

The Petition

Considering Persona's growing fanbase overseas, we implore that Spring of Birth and Midsummer's Knight Dream be localized in North America. We would like to have the movies dubbed into English with the original English cast from the game, Persona 3, and have the option to switch back to Japanese audio with subtitles.

Additionally, we would like to have the third upcoming movie, Falling Down, premiere in selected theaters at selected dates throughout North America in the ways Aniplex have done with previous anime movies, such as "Madoka: the Rebellion" and "Rebuild of Evangelion".

If you agree with the statement above, please sign this petition and bring the Persona 3 movies to North America! I highly recommend that you write a personalized message because I believe people really do read them, and it shows how passionate we are about bringing more of this series to North America.

Please share this petition on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, or on your blogs! Let's show Atlus that they have successfully gained a global audience and make this request of ours a reality!

If you have any questions, suggestions, or ideas on the petition or how Aniplex can show the third Persona movie in selected theaters, please feel free contact me! I would love to hear your ideas and would like to make this a community effort. 

Ways to Contact Me

- message me at the Yu Narukami Facebook Fan Page. I am admin Nanaker Brojima.

- email me at p3moviepetition@gmail.com

- twitter: twitter.com/P3MoviePetition

tumblr: persona3moviepetition.tumblr.com


[1] http://www.p3m.jp/pkg/pkg01.html

[2] http://www.aniplexusa.com/p3m/

[3] http://www.p3m.jp/theater/

[4] http://www.p3m.jp/pkg/

[5] http://www.p3m.jp/news/

Opdater #410 år siden


・made a new shortcut link to this petition: bit.ly/p3moviepetition

WE MADE IT TO 1,000!!! The 1k goal was simply testing the waters if people really do want this and obviously we do!! Now let's aim for the real deal -- 10,000!
Opdater #310 år siden
[1] I updated the petition to include localizing the first two Persona 3 movies

[2] I talked to Sailor Bee, from Crunchyroll. She gave me her business card and told me to send her the petition. She'll send it to Aniplex.

[3] I may have a connection to Aniplex Japan. I have a friend who is a marketing major from Japan who is trying to bring more anime to the States. She personally knows someone who works at Aniplex Japan.
Opdater #210 år siden
The goal of 1,000 signatures isn't final. Once we get to 1,000, I'm going change the intended signatures to 10,000. And if we beat that, then I will change it to 50,000. The point is that I want to get as much signatures as I can in a span of 8 months.

I don't believe that the Persona 3 movies will be in theaters like Big Hero 6. My intention is that they have several one-time showings at different locations, like what they've done with Madoka, Eva, Rurouni Kenshin live action, etc.
Opdater #110 år siden
Considering the Bluray and DVDs of Persona 3 「#2: Midsummer's Knight Dream」may or may not be released in America, this petition might extend to request that the second movie be shown in NA theatres as well.
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