Expel the Alabama students who yelled slurs at black players!

  • af: OD Action
  • mottagare: University of Alabama

Believe it or not, being racist and homophobic can't make your sports team good — a hard lesson that some fans of Alabama college football still need to learn. One particular unidentified, exceptionally loud fan shouted at black players: "You're a f*cking f*ggot. You guys are all f*ggots. Go back back to the projects, f*ggot. Go back to the projects."

Being embarrassed on the field did not push these bigots into submission, so they had to ensure the fan base would be also embarrassed by the sheer inhumanity displayed in the stands. It is not enough to be rejected by the court of public opinion — these students must be found and immediately expelled.

It's clear that these students have no respect for others, let alone those who already face significant amounts of prejudice. If all it takes is a football game loss for their true racist, homophobic nature to surface — it would be pure negligence to allow them to go unpunished.

Add your name to demand the Alabama students who yelled slurs at black players be expelled!

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