Help Spread Awareness about Dolphin Deaths in Japan

"The Japan government Fisheries Agency issued 16,496 permits to kill dolphins, porpoises and other small whales for the 2013-2014 season throughout Japan. (When The Cove documentary was being made, the number of annual permits issued at that time was more than 23,000.) The numbers killed in Japan varies from year to year"
together we can change these laws for the better....
in 2013 3,283 dolphins died due to japans law..... very few captured dolphins are sold to wealthy people and the rest are slaughtered for food, they are killed through spears penetrating their body's and will slowly die

this video link will cover the subject in a lot more detail than i can and it will show how extreme the situation is.... warning this documentory is not fit for weak hearted people....

thank you for taking part in this petition, your help can make a difference to wildlife and will help save their species

Opdater #110 år siden
we need alot more signitures to put our words into actions, if you could share this on social networks or anywhere that you think can help us. thank you for your signiture and i will try keep you updated as much as possible.
when we hit 2,500 signitures i will begin to send letters out to high athoritys and the goverment, giving them details on our cause and how there help can help us
thank you carers
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