Enforce Laws in India That Bans Citizens From Bengal Tiger Habitats

  • af: SUE LEE
  • mottagare: Indian Government and Wildlife Officials

Please sign and share this petition worldwide in an effort to get India to enforce their laws that bans citizens, fisherman and others from entering the territory and habitation of the Bengal Tiger. People are frequently crossing those boundaries only to meet with fatal results. The Bengal Tiger is an endangered species; don't kill the animals off but instead respect their habitat and not enter areas off-limits!!

Just recently on a creek in eastern India, a family decided to go crab fishing Sundarbans National Park. Out of nowhere, a Bengal Tiger leapt onto the boat and grabbed the elder man in the family by his neck and dragged him to shore and into the jungle area in a village called Lahirpur in West Bengal state. This poor man never had a chance since the incident all happened so quickly.

This family paddled to this area thinking it was a safer spot to fish. The Sunderbans is one of the largest reserves for the royal Bengal tiger, with about 500 of these animals roaming the areas, tidal rivers and thousands of miles of creeks. However, this is a protected reserve that is indeed off -limits to villagers. Still, many continue to fish for crabs to sell at nearby markets. This attack clearly demonstrates the risk that millions of poor Indians take when scavenging in the territory of wild predators.

Bengal tigers are mostly found in India, but smaller populations live in Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, China and Myanmar, with fewer than 2,500 tigers believed to be left in the wild. Villagers need to respect their territory and obey the laws to stay out of their natural habitat. Please sign and share this petition worldwide in an effort to get India to enforce their laws that bans citizens, fisherman and others from entering the territory and habitation of the Bengal Tiger. People are frequently crossing those boundaries only to meet with fatal results. The Bengal Tiger is an endangered species; don't kill the animals off but instead respect their habitat and not enter areas off-limits!!


Indian Government Officials - Incidents involving people getting killed by Bengal Tigers is all too frequent. You need to strengthen and enforce your laws in your country that strictly bans all people from fishing or hunting; entering any reserves and territories that are home to the Bengal Tiger. Put up barriers and more signs that states anyone will be punished with jail time and stiff fines! Maybe if you do more to enforce the law, lives can be saved.

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