A dog is human's best friend but not when it is used for dogfights. I have for some time now been trying to stop these pitbull fights at Kosova. I wrote to the Minister of Kosova and had contact with an animal shelter (N.G.O. Shelter for Straydogs from 2003 ) in the same area as where the pitbull dogfights take place. I have also have contacted several animal organisations (for example, WSPA) but without any luck as they all claim they cannot do anything to stop dogfighting.
The people that are responsible for these dogfights must be stopped. They also breed the dogs and all the puppies that are born are raised to follow their parents after they are killed in the fights or are no more useful.
So please sign this petition and donate if you can to help.
We need 30.000 signatures to present to the Minister of Kosova. For this project we will be also needing donations ... if you can and willing, then please donate with your signature 1 or 2 euro's ... you can donate with paypal via my address > elada_05@hotmail.com BIC INGBNL2A NL76INGB 0685446727 Stop Dogfighting Kosova Other addresses you can contact me > are amaadoraomar@hotmail.com -- @fatsoela on Twitter -- reneelagcher@gmail.com. My website about these poor dogs is at http://fatsoela.123website.nl
Opdater #510 år siden
Still fighting for this not giving up ... most be stopped ... so for all my sweet signers please share as much as possible and help me please ...
Opdater #410 år siden
YES finaly I received a note from the Minister of Kosova... he did received my letter (as to read on my own site) and he acknowledge receipt of it and wrote to me that he would come back to me for that.
Opdater #310 år siden
I ask you to go and see my Website ,,, it is shocking but many of you will understand that, try to stop this, CAN ONLY BE DONE WITH YOUR HELP.. Signing, Sharing and Donating... Please help us to stop this dogfighting... It will be a Huge Step because in Kosova the Dogfighting is still Legal ,they can do what ever they want with those poor dogs and there baby's... Please go see and make up your own mind if we should let this go on >......http://fatsoela.123website.nl
Opdater #210 år siden
Thank you all we reached the first 1000 , I hope to get to 30.000 and able to present myself to the Minister of Kosova. For that I also need money so if you are able to donate 1 or 2 euro it would be most helpfull and not to much for everyone...
Opdater #110 år siden
The petition was telling that we need 1000 signatures but that is not enough ,,, we need 30.000 signatures to be able to do something ... so please if you can ... share as much as possible
Thanks to all that already signed this petition
Love you all and the dogs will love you more in the end I am sure ......... Lets Go For It ...