In September 2012, the Death Law was published in one of the most famous newspapers of Turkey, Hurriyet. The new legislation seemed "humane", yet for someone who has been to a shelter in Turkey, it was horrifying.
What this new legislation will bring are listed below.
-Animals that are on the street will be picked up, and they will be brought to what they call a "Natural Life Park". The reality behind this beautiful sounding place is that, there will be thousands of different types of animals left there without any care. There will not be facilities for them. After a point of time they will start to attack each other and they will die. This has happened in Turkey before and it is still happening in what they call a "shelter" as there are thousands of helpless animals. Again there will not be kittens and dogs only, there will be every kind of animal.
The animal-protectionists in Turkey urge the government to take constructive steps, such as spaying and neutring the street animals and putting an end to illegal shipping of animals to Turkey. Unfortunately, Prime Minister Erdogan says that animas make "too much noise" and they leave their faeces on the street as a reason for this new legislation.
-Several races of dogs that are considered to be "dangerous" will be taken from their homes and put into a "Natural Life Park". If the owner is not willing to do so,they will be sentenced to prison for three years.
-A "person" who raped an animal will be sentenced to prison for only two years, which they can get away with paying around 150 Euros.
A person who is not willing to let the government take their dog and bring them to the "Natural Life Park" will be sentenced for three years.
A person who tortures an animal but does not kill them will not even have to go to prison. They will have to pay less than 150 Euros and they can even pay in installment.
Please sign this petition so that animals that are in good health and that can be treated won't be brought to a death camp.
Help to urge the government to take constructive steps and do not let them mention how animals ought to die but rather how they can live.
Dear Mr. Erdogan,
The legislation that is numbered 5199 has been recognized as inhumane internationally. This petition addresses actions that are effective and that are more suitable to the traditions of Turkey.
As a Turkish citizen, I have personally experienced the importance of animals and hospitality to our traditions. These are things that Turkey is well-known for. People in Turkey take care of the street animals; they spay and neuter them, feed them and care for them. As the Prime Minister, your role in leading Turkish citizens in a direction where animals are more accepted and cared for is essential and understood internationally. Rape and torture of animals are unfortunately present in our country. This does not represent Turkey in a fair way. For this reason, public speeches that cover compassion for animals are expected from you. As a Muslim country, compassion for everything that is living is not a concept that is far from us. When Muhammad said "There is not an animal on earth, nor a bird that flies on its wings, but they are communities like you", he emphasized that we are a big community. The destruction of other communities just like us is not acceptable.
Animals are companions. This is why people are thrilled by the idea of their animal being taken by government because he/she is considered dangerous. It is not understable for owners of these pets to be sentenced to prison for three years for not wanting to let their animal be taken while rapists and torturers can bail out.
It is easily predictable that animals that will be brought to a "Natural Life Park" will lead a terrible life until they die through suffering, when one goes to a shelter in Turkey. There are not enough veterinarians, care-takers and equipments in most shelters. This is an inhumane plan to lessen the animal population on the streets. Animal-protectionists from all around the world encourage Turkey to spay/neuter their animals and vaccinate them. This would not reduce the number of animals instantly but it is a humane method that would reduce the number of animals in a few years. International people state that they will not go to Turkey until this legislation is stopped. This means a huge declaration of tourists that visit Turkey.
Please stop the legislation that is numbered 5199 for the best interest of animals and Turkey.
Ilke Canaslan
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