Fish and Wildlife Service: Stop Killing Barred Owls!

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has approved an experiment to remove and kill 3,600 barred owls from West Coast forests over the next few years. The Service is interested in studying whether eliminating these dominant owls will help increase the population of threatened spotted owls. Though many barred owls have already been killed, there's no evidence that their removal helps spotted owls.

Federal biologists remove the owls by trapping them in a net. Most owls are then shot, though some are transferred to a zoo or other organization. 

Shooting trapped owls is convenient but cruel. In some areas, it also violates the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, which forbids most killing of migratory birds like the barred owl. Please sign the petition to urge the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to find humane alternatives to killing barred owls!

We, the undersigned, are concerned with your planned experiment to remove and kill 3,600 barred owls from West Coast forests over the next few years. 

We understand that most barred owls are trapped in nets, then shot to death. We believe that after the birds are caught, every effort should be made to move them to a location where they won't compete with spotted owls. There is no reason to actually kill the owls, other than mere convenience.

In some areas, this practice violates the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, which forbids most killing of migratory birds like the barred owl. We respectfully urge you to find humane alternatives to killing barred owls. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.

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