Stop Bullfighting in Tijuana

An estimated 250,000 fighting bulls are killed globally on account of this horrible and tragic, violent and purposeless blood sport. And Mexico does in fact have a great power to begin to put the end to this. This a fervent and determined plea on behalf of Humanity to truncate this spectacle which starting May 2009 in Tijuana, Mexico will be yet another terrible, fatal round for the animals. This bullfight season will last until September and that is an inconceivable amount of time that the bulls are in danger only to both suffer and die, needlessly and against their innocent wordless wills. The individuals who sign this petition cry when they see the images of these bulls and so does our Creator. The men and women fighters who do this are killing His children. These valuable, awesome, beautiful works of God are destroyed within these last, terrible ten minutes of their humble lives. That's what the bullfight is: killing. Killing, not art. And it hurts everyone on this Planet. How can this mass destruction and lethal harming of bovines continue to be supported in the claim that it should not be stopped on account of being a valuable thus necessary custom? We can have a peaceful world if we want it and don't want these bulls to die anymore. Mexico officials, please consider compassion and consider in your hearts what these bulls really suffer, and that they are tortured and murdered in the name of a Godless and cruel tradition and spectacle that cannot and does not have a place in a civilized, non violent, forward looking society and that we cannot afford nor sustain this tragedy not one more day.

When the bulls (and horses) die so do we. And Time is a gift to not be wasted and taken for granted the way it has been in regards to these animal beings, the excuses for this violence, and the refusal to outlaw it.

Downtown's "El Toreo" has been demolished with a marker in its previous place. "By the Sea," thirty six toros will be truncated from 25 May to middle September, but this is only a snippet and what we are saying, asking for here and centrally is to stop bull killing itself all over this popular and patronized Border city.

"Compassion Transcends Borders."

Not only that, but the deaths of these beings are a terrible loss to us and the Planet we claim is ours, but is also theirs.

Mexico (of course which is Tijuana): Please stop fighting Progress and Reason, and STOP condoning this HIGHLY profitable but also highly COSTLY business that is not only hurting other countries but MEXICO herself. LET GO of this persistent and so determined VIOLENCE so that Mexico can come of age spiritually and EVOLVE. Don't you want this? The world is awaiting on you and remember that it will ALWAYS remain optimistic for this Progress, and Change.


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