Johns Hopkins Supports Taser Use

UPDATE March '08
Victim of the Week:  Darryl Turner,17 years old, Charlotte, NC.

"Family and friends of Darryl Turner, the teen who died after police used a Taser on him when he was allegedly being uncooperative, gathered at Temple Church International."

UPDATE March '08
Victim of the Week: Chris Jackson, 37 years old,Clay, NY.

"When Jackson was handcuffed after being stunned by the Taser, police noticed he was not responding to their questions, and requested medical assistance. Paramedics began assessing Jackson, who went into cardiac arrest and was given cardio-pulmonary resuscitation en route to St. Joseph's Hospital, where he was pronounced dead."

At least 300 people have died after being hit by Tasers.

The United Nations considers Taser use "a form of torture."

Amnesty International has called for a moratorium on their use, saying "A taser victim's penalty should not be death."  Taser International is the subject of numerous lawsuits and fraud investigations. Bernard Kerik, Rudy Giuliani's former partner who was recently indicted for fraud, made millions as a member of the Taser International board of directors.

Yet Johns Hopkins Medicine in Baltimore acts as a paid adviser to this scandal-plagued company: "Dr. Hugh Calkins, Professor of Medicine and Director of the Arrhythmia Service at Johns Hopkins Hospital, concluded,'I have had an opportunity to review the studies and the results of the studies confirm the general safety of the TASER devices..." (from a securities fraud lawsuit filed in Arizona)

Dr. Calkins' assertions that Tasers are safe despite more than 300 Taser related deaths and the UN declaration that it is a torture device provide  Taser International with a veneer of legitimacy.

Physicians should not be involved in executions or torture.

We the undersigned call on Johns Hopkins Hospital to disassociate itself from Taser International and  to return any monies received for endorsing the weapon.

(NOTE: Please indicate if you are a health care professional)

Edward D. Miller, M.D.
Dean of the Medical Faculty,
The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Chief Executive Officer, Johns Hopkins Medicine
100 SOM Administration
The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
733 North Broadway
Baltimore, Md. 21205
Phone: (410) 955-3180
Fax: (410) 955-0889

Dr. Miller,

We the undersigned call on Johns Hopkins Hospital to disassociate itself from Taser International and  to return any monies received for endorsing the weapon.

At least 300 people have died after being hit by Tasers. The United Nations considers Taser use "a form of torture." Amnesty International has called for a moratorium on their use, saying "A taser victim's penalty should not be death."  Taser International is the subject of numerous lawsuits and fraud investiagtions.

Yet Johns Hopkins Medicine in Baltimore acts as a paid adviser to the company: "Dr. Hugh Calkins, Professor of Medicine and Director of the Arrhythmia Service at Johns Hopkins Hospital, concluded,'I have had an opportunity to review the studies and the results of the studies confirm the general safety of the TASER devices..." (from a securities fraud lawsuit filed in Arizona)

Dr. Calkins assertions that Tasers are safe despite more than 300 Taser related deaths and the UN declaration that it is a torture device provides legitimate cover to Taser International.

Physicians should not be involved in executions or torture.

Thank you for attention to this matter.
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