CT District 3 for a U.S. Department of Peace

The bill HR 808 is currently before congress to establish a U.S. Department of Peace and Nonviolence. In the state of Connecticut, Representative John Larson of District 1 has recently become a co-sponsor of this bill.  We want Representative Rosa DeLauro of District 3 to become a co-sponsor as well.  

Please sign this petition to let Representative Rosa DeLauro know that you want her to be a co-sponsor of this bill.  Tell her you believe:

 * The time has come to establish a U.S. Department of Peace and Nonviolence.

* The time has come for our state and our nation to address the escalating violence in our homes, our schools, and our streets.

* The time has come for the United States to become one of the world's leaders in peaceful, nonviolent reconciliation to conflict.

* The time has come for a Secretary of Peace.

* The time has come for a Peace Academy, on par and working with our military academies.

* The time has come for each of us to speak out for peace.

Thank you for taking the time to sign this important petition.
Representative Rosa DeLauro
Connecticut District 3
2262 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, D.C.  20515-0703

Dear Representative Rosa DeLauro,

We the undersigned ask that you sign on to become a co-sponsor in the House of Representatives for the nonpartisan bill HR 808 to establish a United States Department of Peace and Nonviolence.  We will gratefully defend and support you for taking this courageous political stance.

The time is ripe for a Department of Peace.  Our national rates of homicide, suicide, bullying, rape, child and spousal abuse, violence in our media, and spending on the military, are shocking.  The World Health Organization estimates the epidemic of violence in our homes, schools, streets, prisons, and among police, gangs, and ethnic groups to cost $300 billion per year.  

The annual direct cost of US military involvement in violent conflict is currently $666 billion; the indirect costs -- of veteran's benefits and interest on the national debt due to military spending -- are over $300 billion.   Currently, State Department funding for diplomacy and development, $35 billion, does not address violence within the USA or terrorism.

With a Department of Peace, the United States can be as effective in addressing the sources of violence as in reacting to its symptoms, save trillions of dollars in the process, and provide a secure and prosperous future for our children, for all children worldwide, and the generations to come.

Implementation of the Department of Peace at the Federal level would provide funding and coordination for nonviolent conflict reconciliation programs that are already proven to be effective.  In addition, as our military forces become skilled in peace-building methodologies and the threat of nuclear weapons is reduced, our national budget can be reclaimed for humanitarian purposes.

Please consider:

   1. The world is watching to see if America will walk the talk of our founding fathers, supporting human rights and freedom for everyone.
   2. What could be more important than creating true security by living in peace with our fellow human beings everywhere?
   3. How better to support our interests and defuse terrorism than to create a Department of Peace?   
   4. How we can solve our climate problems if we are burning our resources in conflict?
   5. How long do you think we have to get it right?

The time to act is now.

Please support our vision for national and global peace by becoming a co-sponsor of HR 808, the bill to establish a U.S. Department of Peace and Nonviolence.

We thank you for your time and consideration.

Respectfully submitted,

Your constituents in Connecticut's 3rd District
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