Have the OPTION to spay/neuter your pets in Texas!!!

  • af: Pet owners everywhere
  • mottagare: To oppose the law of mandatory spaying/neutering for pets in Texas.
Shouldn't you as a Texas citizen have the right to decide if you would like to have your pets fixed? The answer is YES!

 There is a new law in the works in the state of Texas to make it mandatory for all pets to be spayed/neutered or else pay a fine to keep them unaltered. I completely understand where this law is coming from considering all the overflowing shelters around. But what are the people who can't afford or just simply do not want to pay the fine or fee for the procedure going to do with there animals? They will be sent to the shelter probably along with millions more whose owners oppose this law. I feel as if that is the owner of the animals decision and should not be made by someone else considering it is not there property. Not to mention there family members! If congress passes this bill what will be next, only certain breeds allowed, or no exotics such as birds and reptiles?  Please help me stop this ridiculous bill and help keep our rights as pet owners by signing my petition below.

Link to Texas S.B. 1845:

Texas State Senator:

Texas State Representative:

This is not the solution! A reasonable solution would be to offer very low cost or free spay and neutering clinics to the public. Then people would still have the option and even be more inclined to do it but at there own will.
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