Halt Whaling Program in 2015

"Japan will continue its whaling program in 2015 despite the United Nations’ ruling against the country, breaking regulations established by the International Whaling commission. Whales, which are already endangered because of human activity, are often hunted by Japanese people for their meat and fat. Despite global condemnation of this act, Japan will continue its whaling program and will not follow international regulations meant to preserve these majestic creatures.

The country will again claim that its whale hunts are conducted for scientific research, but for it to be verified as such Japan will need its whaling plans to be reviewed by the International Whaling Commission. Japan will not follow through with this procedure, as waiting for permission would require the country to wait a full year before hunts could resume. This tells us that Japan does not wish to follow regulations meant to save whales, nor will the country honor its word. Demand that Prime Minister Shinzo Abe stop the hunt so whale populations can reproduce and thrive by signing the petition."

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