Attention ALL members of Congress, Vice-President Joe Biden, and President Obama.
We the undersigned people of the United States of America bring forth this petition in an effort to communicate with our elected officials, and to enact on OUR 1st Amendment, Constitutional Right to address our grievences with matters at hand brought forth by our Government.
This is a "NO PARTY" affiliated petition, focusing specifically with proper government action, and cause.
WE THE PEOPLE: hereby demand that ALL elected officials cease and decist on "Party Politics", and represent AMERICA; NOT their "Party" lobbyists, friends, family, corporations, foreign countries, or other agendas NOT established within the Laws of The United States Constitution!
WE THE PEOPLE: hereby peaceably, and lawfully petition our government to represent the United States of America, uphold the Constitution of the United States as currently written, protect ALL of America's LEGAL CITIZENS, remove Illegal Aliens to the best of your ability, and to discontinue the redirect, propaganda, and "Party" politics!
WE THE PEOPLE: hereby demand that ANY personal, political, financial, agenda based, and un-Constitutional activities cease IMMEDIATELY!
WE THE PEOPLE: while holding authority, and legal recourse under the United States Constitution do hereby repeal any authority of Congress, and the President of the United States, expressed, or implied, to further act upon financial matters, civil legislation, States rights, legal regulations, banking institution matters, and towards private corporations under guise of an "emergency", or a similar force of votes under duress until ALL the facts have been examined by each, and every member of Congress, as well as brought to the American people for review, and direction.
WE THE PEOPLE: hereby issue a cease and decist order for further actions, assistance, and regulations towards private corporations, business representatives, banking institutions, and the American dollar.
WE THE PEOPLE: hereby demand that Congress represent Americans under the existing United States Constitution, without predudice, bias, or personal agenda!
WE THE PEOPLE: hereby demand that Congress, and the President respect the United States Constitution as an established document of Law; NOT a living, or progressive obstacle for reinterpretation!
WE THE PEOPLE: hereby constitute an order of silence from Congress, and the President until America has been given ALL of the arguments from BOTH sides regarding "Global Warming", Hate Crimes Legislation, Stimulis proposals/Legislation, Gun Control, Abortion, and State's rights issues, and gives direction for our Elected Officials!
WE THE PEOPLE: hereby demand that ALL financial records of A.C.O.R.N be disclosed IMMEDIATELY to the people of the United States.
WE THE PEOPLE: hereby demand that President Barack Obama retract his illegal, and unjustified termination of Inspector General Gerald Walpin, whom was terminated WITHOUT legitimate cause, or the 30 days notice to Congress; a violation of a law Sen. Claire McCaskill, D-Mo. sponsored, and Senator Barack Obama co-sponsored.
WE THE PEOPLE: hereby demand that ALL Elected Officials that have negated paying their taxes be hereby removed from office, demand payment, and be permanently restricted from a public office position!
WE THE PEOPLE: hereby demand that ALL signers of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (stimulis bill) resign, or be removed from office, or through impeachment, for intentional neglegence, derelict of duty, failure to act responsibly, and passing another bill under the guise of an "emergency". This now has great potential for severe consequence of an unprecidented National Deficit to destroy America's Economy, as well as Global Economies beyond repair!
WE THE PEOPLE: hereby retract the American Recovery and Reinvesment Act of 2009 through United States Constitutional authority under the 13th Amendment, section 1 for legitimate review, revision, or complete removal thereof.
This petition is presented as an effort to prevent civil unrest, further un-Constitutional violations by Elected Officials, and to formally declare that Americans do NOT support Socialism, Communism, fascism, and the destruction of the greatest Nation in the World, as history has repeatedly recorded these actions, and their destructive outcome.
That WE THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE, and FOR THE PEOPLE has NOT been forgotten, nor the blood shed by our Military, or the sacrifices made by them, their families, and our Fore-Fathers to provide continued freedom for ALL Americans!
Attention ALL members of Congress, Vice-President Joe Biden, and President Obama.
We the undersigned people of the United States of America bring forth this petition in an effort to communicate with our elected officials, and to enact on OUR 1st Amendment, Constitutional Right to address our grievences with matters at hand brought forth by our Government.
This is a "NO PARTY" affiliated petition, focusing specifically with proper government action, and cause.
WE THE PEOPLE: hereby demand that ALL elected officials cease and decist on "Party Politics", and represent AMERICA; NOT their "Party" lobbyists, friends, family, corporations, foreign countries, or other agendas NOT established within the Laws of The United States Constitution!
WE THE PEOPLE: hereby peaceably, and lawfully petition our government to represent the United States of America, uphold the Constitution of the United States as currently written, protect ALL of America's LEGAL CITIZENS, remove Illegal Aliens to the best of your ability, and to discontinue the redirect, propaganda, and "Party" politics!
WE THE PEOPLE: hereby demand that ANY personal, political, financial, agenda based, and un-Constitutional activities cease IMMEDIATELY!
WE THE PEOPLE: while holding authority, and legal recourse under the United States Constitution do hereby repeal any authority of Congress, and the President of the United States, expressed, or implied, to further act upon financial matters, civil legislation, States rights, legal regulations, banking institution matters, and towards private corporations under guise of an "emergency", or a similar force of votes under duress until ALL the facts have been examined by each, and every member of Congress, as well as brought to the American people for review, and direction.
WE THE PEOPLE: hereby issue a cease and decist order for further actions, assistance, and regulations towards private corporations, business representatives, banking institutions, and the American dollar.
WE THE PEOPLE: hereby demand that Congress represent Americans under the existing United States Constitution, without predudice, bias, or personal agenda!
WE THE PEOPLE: hereby demand that Congress, and the President respect the United States Constitution as an established document of Law; NOT a living, or progressive obstacle for reinterpretation!
WE THE PEOPLE: hereby constitute an order of silence from Congress, and the President until America has been given ALL of the arguments from BOTH sides regarding "Global Warming", Hate Crimes Legislation, Stimulis proposals/Legislation, Gun Control, Abortion, and State's rights issues, and gives direction for our Elected Officials!
WE THE PEOPLE: hereby demand that ALL financial records of A.C.O.R.N be disclosed IMMEDIATELY to the people of the United States.
WE THE PEOPLE: hereby demand that President Barack Obama retract his illegal, and unjustified termination of Inspector General Gerald Walpin, whom was terminated WITHOUT legitimate cause, or the 30 days notice to Congress; a violation of a law Sen. Claire McCaskill, D-Mo. sponsored, and Senator Barack Obama co-sponsored.
WE THE PEOPLE: hereby demand that ALL Elected Officials that have negated paying their taxes be hereby removed from office, demand payment, and be permanently restricted from a public office position!
WE THE PEOPLE: hereby demand that ALL signers of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (stimulis bill) resign, or be removed from office, or through impeachment, for intentional neglegence, derelict of duty, failure to act responsibly, and passing another bill under the guise of an "emergency". This now has great potential for severe consequence of an unprecidented National Deficit to destroy America's Economy, as well as Global Economies beyond repair!
WE THE PEOPLE: hereby retract the American Recovery and Reinvesment Act of 2009 through United States Constitutional authority under the 13th Amendment, section 1 for legitimate review, revision, or complete removal thereof.
This petition is presented as an effort to prevent civil unrest, further un-Constitutional violations by Elected Officials, and to formally declare that Americans do NOT support Socialism, Communism, fascism, and the destruction of the greatest Nation in the World, as history has repeatedly recorded these actions, and their destructive outcome.
That WE THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE, and FOR THE PEOPLE has NOT been forgotten, nor the blood shed by our Military, or the sacrifices made by them, their families, and our Fore-Fathers to provide continued freedom for ALL Americans!
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