Demanding an End to the Pit Bull Ban in Florida

People should sign this petition because, any dog if treated the wrong way can become mean and attack anyone, it is not fair to ban the breed entirely because of people's deeds, many people have owned pit bulls and NEVER had any sign of aggression towards anyone.

I believe that any dog if treated in a bad way or trained to be aggressive will be, not just pit bulls. If you take a chihuahua and put it in the place of a pit bull owner that beats it or starves it and generally train it to mean mean, then that chihuahua will be just as vicious or even more so than any other dog or animal for that matter that has been pit through it.

Punishing the deed not the breed, that is what's NOT happening. Pit bulls are getting the bad reputation because of PEOPLE. They were trained to attack on command. They don't know it's the wrong thing to do. The owners trained them and thought them that it's the right thing to do. Therefore, punishing the entire breed instead of just the deed done is like saying because one Christian blew of an abortion clinic in the 1970s doesn't mean all Christians go around bombing and killing people just because they are doing something against the Bible.

Lastly, you should sign this petition because there are many Pit Bulls who will never get the chance to live like any other dog because of this ban, sweet innocent dogs who don't know what they did to deserve this, because they did nothing. I personally have been around many pit bulls NONE of who are aggressive in any way shape or form, granted they are big dogs and they play rough, however they have never been aggressive. I've been around and see many pit bulls TOGETHER with a lot of pit bulls and none were violent towards each other.

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