Removal of Adrian J Poux Cambridge Springs police officer

Officer Adrian J Poux
Abuses his powers as an officer

Hello, Everyone my name is Travis Davis. I am on a mission in regards to one of the Penncrest school resource officers Adrian J Poux. 
Poux has had prior records from lock haven university for sexually harassment charges. After the suit was filed Poux resigned from his duties. now he in Penncrest school district. With even younger children!! I have created a Facebook page WE THE PEOPLE OF CAMBRIDGE SPRING. 
I currently have an active petition against this officer to have him removed!! 
Also when school is off for summer officer Poux patrols the town of Cambridge. I have multiple people coming forward with complaints and how he still harasses people!! 

Lock Haven also had a petition on him to have him removed!

If you know any parents that have children that attend Penncrest they might want to do some research themselves!! Please share and help me.
I do not want this officer in my children school who is with me!!

If you sign the petition please state you have children attending Penncrest but please leave their names off!!

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