Dear NFL Commissioner, NFL president, NFL Operations, FCC, NFLPA, NFL President, I am requesting that my name or my email address or my identity remain anonymous for my right to privacy. NO media cannot search for me on social media or try to contact me. Complaints against past seasons and current nfl seasons. This has happened last season and other NFL seasons as well. How much did the broncos and Vikings pay the refs??? and Allen Lazard got a penalty just for making a first down and pointing it out last sunday? Did the broncos, vikings steal the jet's plays??? Especially during the vikings game in london today? ONLY Penalities against the jets NOT the vikings??? COME ON NFL. YOU need to FINE and suspend or fire these damn refs. OH and FINE and suspend Patrick Mahomes for the entire NFL season and ban the Kansas City Chiefs team from the playoffs and superbowl period for life. They cannot repeal this petition or take it to you the NFL or NFLPLA or any higher or lower courts period....* something needs to be done with the chiefs and the vikings as well. And I want the Game replayed at Metlife, NOT in LONDON with the Vikings also at Metlife. The one with the broncos also at METLIFE with out sean peyton as Head coach and the defensive coach Vance joseph needs to go and stay permanently out of the nfl. The Jet fans need to stop blaming the Jets coach and Offensive Coordinator Hackett maybe all social media should start removing posts from bronco fans on their personal pages or if they have fan pages of nfl players, teams etc. No excuses for any NFL fans or NFL teams period. They are NOT the ones playing the game the NFL players are the ones playing. I am asking you to fine the broncos and suspend the refs and suspend or fire them. they cannot repeal this petition or sue the petitioner to any lower or higher courts across the U.S. period. These NFL fans can lose their season NFL tickets, and other sports they have for any sports coming up in the spring or fall, winter, summer etc. These NFL fans should be banned from all 32 stadiums. I want the NFL playoff RULES and Super bowl rules, NFL game RULES to be changed by having NO coin toss on who get's the ball first. The NFL needs to stop price gouging consumers, and costumers with cable and satellite costumers that should have NFL ticket or it should be in all satellite costumers. This goes for all College teams as well should be aired on TV. NOT streaming services like Netflix, HULU, NFL+, ESPN+ Disney + etc. It needs to stop and get rid of all Streaming services... If people don't have cable or satellite tv oh well. These REFS need to be FINED and suspended for false calls against the jets on penalties. These NFL fans should NOT be bullying other NFL players, fans, from all 32 teams on their social media accounts should be permanently suspended or banned from all social media accounts and cannot get it back. And bullying all 32 NFL coaches, former offensive coordinators, and head coaches etc. You get my point????
so us NFL Fans can watch the games. STOP showing LA team football games. YOU Shouldn't be able to repeal the NFL ticket and it should be put on all cable/satellite companies included in their packages and no taking it away. STOP it with the streaming services NFL +, ESPN+ remove them from online services. that includes youtube tv as well.
SHOW other NFL teams. NO more play stealing. It happened to my greenbay packers when they were playing the steelers and the REFS FUCKED UP the packers from winning that game with penalties against the packers shouldn't of happended. Especially an NFL player like aaron rodgers and others getting hurt on TURF last season and past seasons etc. NO NFL owners paying off the refs for games in order to win and the REFS need to also be fined and suspended on their calls against NFL teams. How many of times of the KC has won games by cheating/paying off the refs??? They need to give back their superbowl rings and trophies no exceptions. The owner of KC cannot have fans do a petition to keep the team in Kansas.-The owner has to sell the team to an actual NFL owner NO billionaires.* NO stocks to own the team. they need to be banned from the Playoffs and super bowl and other nfl events period for 6 years or more. This goes for all NFL teams that played against the new york jets and stole their plays that includes the chiefs, eagles and the KC player that did it needs to be banned and suspended from the NFL. The NFL fans of these teams like chiefs, eagles cannot do a petition to repeal or go on online to protest or even out in public. NO family members, gfs, wives, cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents/greatgrandparents etc cannot say anything on news programs or online. I have seen this with Dallas cowboy fans as well and other nfl teams how they bully other nfl team fans and go on pages and be snerts.
Start reviewing the tapes and fine NFL teams and owners as well. It should be the visiting teams or the home team to start the kick off at the beginning of the nfl games permanently. here were some penalties that shouldn't of been made towards the giants. I think Dallas paid off the REFS. I think dallas needs to be suspended from playoffs and superbowl and participating all teammates for 5 years or more. The game needs to be replayed at Metlife stadium with you the NFL officials there to be present. NO exceptions period NO excuses..... These penalties' against the giants were unacceptable. How much did the owner of the cowboys pay the refs? How much money?NO celebrities or NFL players cannot invite MOM, Dad, uncles/aunts/cousins, brother in laws/daughter in laws, sister in laws, families, friends, Celebrities friends to the NFL games period or Superbowl period to stay in the suites they all have to stay in the stands and NO roping half the seats off. NO security guards/bodyguards with them. They should buy NFL team tickets just like every other NFL fans do. And During the Superbowl 58 the 49ers should of won the game last night.... Petition might be coming soon. KC needs to have their superbowl trophies and championship game tropies taken away. Start investigating the team. How much were the REFS paid off??? how much did the owner of KC pay them???They have to leave me alone and respect my privacy. Playoffs rules need to change and NFC and AFC championship games need to be changed and need to be like MLB world series games and it should go to 7 games or more for playoffs and Championship games as well as 2 extra games and that goes for NFC and AFC games. Replay the Ravens game the refs cheated for the chiefs. During the AFC championship game these Penalties should of gone to Travis Kelce like 5 times and he wasn't ejected??? HE should be suspended and banned from the NFL and commercials period for life. And should be FINED along with the REFS! The game was RIGGED!!!!!!!!!!!!The refs in the chief's game were paid off.... The game was rigged with the Ravens vs Chiefs.... YOU should of Replayed the Ravens game and CANCEL the superbowl until March 5th 2024 in Las vegas. NO excuses NFL! What happened to real country music artists and oldie music for halftime? No penalties were called against the chiefs? only called on Ravens??? NOT the chiefs and NOT on travis kelce???? he had at least * like 5 pass interferences???? and NOT once called a penalty against him??? Kelce should be suspended along with the REF and fined big time. I think the refs were paid off? for both teams? This is getting out of control....THIS IS NOT fair and NOT right.. fans/celeb fans can't say anything regarding this petition they cannot repeal this petition or sue the petitioner or to take it too any higher court. They cannot sue for harassment poor sport or * defamation of character. OH you guys need to come down on NFL players who hit QB's on purpose like Russel wilson, Aaron rodgers, and other qbs on purpose to hurt them badly. All NFL Players and owners of the NFL teams need to face fines and suspensions regarding hitting the QB on purpose. REPLAY the packers game last night..... especially the one last night week18. packers should be in the playoffs. And lions need to be out of the playoffs period. It's bull shit. and packers were 8-9 and had good games and a good season. I feel you guys should replay the Ravens vs Chiefs game at the same location and a afternoon games. For example: I Feel the same old teams like the steelers, bucs, seahawks, patriots, RAMS, chargers shouldn't be in the playoffs and superbowl period it get's old and old... The fans of these teams need to stop bullying other NFL fans on social media that includes the bandwagon fans as well and making comments on their social media being bulllies towards other nfl fans that needs to have meta block certain comments or let the users know on fb that includes all public news pages and their personal pages etc. They cannot go through the National league players association of the nfl.* PUT THE NFL Thursday NIGHT game back on TV. WE DO NOT LIKE IT ON AMAZON PRIME!!!!!!!!!!!!! Leave the NFL ticket alone and leave it on direct tv period. IF the NFL viewers don't have regular tv too damn bad. PUT IT BACK ON TV. even local news anchor Frank B. says he hates it being on Amazon prime. PUT IT back on regular tv. They can't say anything regarding this petition they cannot repeal this complaint or sue the complainer or any higher court. They cannot sue for harassment poor sport or * defamation of character. They cannot go through the national league players association of the nfl. You guys show the other teams that are played in London? Why can't you show it on tv?????bullshit. Take the streaming services off I don't say [censored] about anyone else's nfl team unless I'm offline. or talk trash/[censored] about them. only off line. *Theycannot discuss this on their Own Personal social media pages and includes his or her colleagues/former colleagues, on air or off air or through texting any of their colleagues/former colleagues, Personal friends, or with their male or female viewers, GirlFriends, BoyFriends's Hubbys, cousin's aunt's, uncles, cousins, Nephews, nieces etc….)*They cannot have the last word when they try to call out a hater/trolls and viewers on social media on air or off air or on their personal social media pages or any ktla social media pages as well as the media colleagues pages.*All their male viewers Or Female Viewers and colleagues cannot ask her who complained about her even if they ask a question-It also goes for them callingthem/appearing/showing a video message wishing them a happy birthday or a pictures on the ktla morning news week day edition and it would be a conflict of interest on air or off air especially on social media including their personal pages.*No showing proposals videos, photos of their engagements/Pictures/ wedding videos-it's getting old and annoying etc. Just because you guys hopped on the rams bandwagon and supporting the rams all of a sudden when they enter any play off games or NFC championship games it's like you guys have to cover them its getting old and annoying? Can you support any other NFL team, NBA teams, MLB, Hockey besides LA teams? It's getting old. The others hopped on the rams or any LA team bandwagon. Start supporting other sports teams like angels, colorado rockies, SF Giants, 49ers/NFL football, and other college football teams besides USC and UCLA all the time. Stop supporting the rams and other LA teams it's so damn annoying and it's old. Stop supporting dicks sporting goods. what they freaking did to our saints 3 years ago. I wanted the 49ers. I'm so sick and tired of hearing about the rams, lakers, dodgers, and other nfl fans jumping on the rams bandwagon every time they get into the damn playoffs. So damn annoying. It's ok for them to to jump on other nfl teams bandwagon when we do it for their teams we get called out by other nfl fans*. That's when the Saint fans wanted the game to REPLAY the game or a petition got started 3 years ago. And because of the non call. Than I boycotted the superbowl 3 years ago Because of the petitions that supported the saints no call and the nfl listened. *... GET on to regular news stories skip the damn sports stories. It's so damn annoying we had to mute duck lips aka megan telles.. This is the main reasons why I didn't go for any LA team becasue you guys Ruin it by always JUMPING on the bandwagon every time an LA team makes it to any sports playoffs like the lakers, dodgers, Rams, la chargers, etc.. The rams in my opinion need to head out of LA and NEVER return and go back to St. Louis where they belong they should of stayed there. Whats so important ram wannabe hopping on the bandwagon? THEY DO NOT belong at Sofi stadium neither do the chargers-can do the same and go back to San diego. Sofi stadium can go to the LA Galaxy.* They just hopped on the rams bandwagon. The others hopped on the rams or any LA team bandwagon. Start supporting other sports teams like angels, colorado rockies, SF Giants, 49ers/NFL football, and other college football teams besides USC and UCLA all the time. Are they born an airheads and hopped on Rams bandwagon ever since they came to LA you, ABC 7 los Angeles, Fox LA 11 , CBS2/CH9, KTLA people/Reporters/anchors hopped on any LA team bandwagon without actually being a diehard fan? The rams in my opinion need to head out of LA and NEVER return and go back to St. Louis where they belong they should of stayed there in the first place I NEVER wanted them back in LA and that goes for the chargers..
Some Comments from a social media page a friend shared.
Andy standing up for him does not make it acceptable. Should be a hefty fine. Watch out Taylor.
It was so disrespectful!!
Not nice...
he would ride the bench
I agree . He's a diva......
100% agree! He was no example to millions of little guys that were watching him that is for sure.
His head has grown leaps since hooking up with the swifty.
Punk!!! Cry baby I'll never be on your side again [remainder of message body omitted; too large]
( Exactly 100% agree with the giants player. ALLEN Lazard shouldn't of gotten fined or flagged. double standards NFL???? Giants star calls out NFL over apparent double standard on violent gesture penalties: 'Cool when they do it' | Fox NewsPatrick Mahomes did the 'illegal' Darius Slayton celebration with no consequences (
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